Celkem nalezeno: 109 záznamů |
Sam K., Bonny K., Novotný V. (2016) Elevational patterns in predation, herbivore performance and herbivory in hostile and enemy free space. Conference of Society for Tropical Ecology |
Sam K., Bonny K., Novotný V. (2016) Ecology of bird communities along an elevational tropical gradient in Papua New Guinea. Conference of Society for Tropical Ecology |
Sam K., Novotný V. (2016) Ecology of birds along an elevational gradient and their predation pressure on arthropods. Association of the Tropical Biology and Conservation |
Wilson K., Auerbach N.,
Sam K., Magini A., Moss A., Langhans S., Budiharta S., Terzano D., Meijaard E. (2016) Conservation research is not happening where it is most needed. PLoS Biology
14: e1002413.
Sam K., Bonny K., Moses J., Novotný V. (2015) Herbivory and herbivores in enemy free space along a complete elevation gradient in the tropics. Association of the Tropical Biology and Conservation |
Sam K., Bonny K., Novotný V. (2015) Ecology of bird communities along an elevational tropical gradient in Papua New Guinea. Association of the Tropical Biology and Conservation |
Sam K., Koane B.,
Novotný V. (2015) Herbivore damage increases avian and ant predation of caterpillars on trees along a complete elevational forest gradient in Papua New Guinea. Ecography
38: 293-300.
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.00979 |
Sam K., Remmel T., Molleman F. (2015) Material affects attack rates on dummy caterpillars in tropical forest where arthropod predators dominate: an experiment using clay and dough dummies with green colourants on various plant species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
157: 317-324.
DOI: 10.1111/eea.12367 |
Bonny K., Novotný V., Sam K. (2014) Herbivore damage increases avian and ant predation of caterpillars on trees along an altitudinal gradient. Association of the Tropical Biology and Conservation |
Čtvrtečka R.,
Sam K., Brus E., Weiblen G.,
Novotný V. (2014) Frugivorous weevils are too rare cause Janzen-Connelll effects in New Guinea lowland rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology
30: 521-535.
DOI: 10.1017/S0266467414000406 |
Low P.,
Sam K., Mcarthur C., Posa M., Hochuli D. (2014) Determining predator identity from attack marks left in model caterpillars: guidelines for best practice. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
152: 120-126..
DOI: 10.1111/eea.12207 |
Sam K., Bonny K., Jeppy S., Munzinger J., Novotný V. (2014) Explaining the species richness of birds along a complete rainforest elevational gradient in the tropics. Association of the Tropical Biology and Conservation |
Sam K., Koane B. (2014) New avian records along the elevational gradient of Mt. Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club
134: 116-133.
Sam K., Koane B., Jeppy S.,
Novotný V. (2014) Effect of forest fragmentation on bird species richness in Papua New Guinea. Journal of Field Ornithology
85: 152-167.
DOI: 10.1111/jofo.12057 |
Tvardíková K., Novotný V. (2014) Disappearance of birds from fragmented and secondary forests in Papua New Guinea and their predation pressure on insect. Conference of Society for Tropical Ecology |
Tvardíková K., Novotný V. (2013) Why insectivores are different: trends in diversity and abundance of feeding guilds in birds along a complete altitudinal ranforest gradient in Papua New Guinea. INTECOL London |
Tvardíková K., Novotný V. (2013) Predation on caterpillars models across altitudinal and disturbance gradient in Papua New Guinea. INTECOL London |
Sam K.,
Novotný V., Koane B. (2013) Kvantifikace predačního tlaku v různě disturbovaných lesích nížinného pralesa Papuy-Nové Guiney. Zoologické dny, Brno, 7.-8. února 2013
poster ENT29.
Sam K., Novotný V. (2012) O ekologii ptáků podél úplného výškového gradientu na Papui Nové-Guineji. Zoologicke dny |
Sam K., Novotný V. (2012) Volně a skrytě žijící housenky, která strategie se vyplatí v různých prostředích tropického lesa Papuy Nové-Guiney. Zoologicke dny |