Celkem nalezeno: 83 záznamů |
Berec L., Kárný M. (1997) Identification of reality in Bayesian context. In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing: Curse of Dimensionality. (Warvick K. and Kárný M., eds.). Birkhauser, Boston, pp. 181-193.
Berec L., Rojíček J. (1997) Control period selection: verification on coupled tanks. In: Reprints of European Control Conference ECC 97 (on CD-ROM). (Bastin G. and Gevers M., eds.) Brussels, 6 pp.
Kárný M., Nedoma P.,
Berec L. (1997) Statistical decision making and neural networks. In: Dealing with Complexity: A Neural Networks Approach. (Kárný M., Warwick K., Kůrková V., eds.). Springer, London, pp. 29.45.