Celkem nalezeno: 542 záznamů |
Kavallieratos N., Tomanovič Ž., Petrović
A., Jankovič M.,
Starý P., Yovkova M., Athanassiou C. (2013) Review and key for the identification of parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of aphids infesting herbaceous and shrubby ornamental plants in southeastern Europe. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.
106: 294-309.
DOI: 10.1603/AN12090 |
Kavallieratos N., Tomanovič Ž., Petrović
A., Jankovič M.,
Starý P., Yovkova M., Athanassiou C. (2013) Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae:Aphidiinae) of aphids infesting herbaceoous and shrubby ornamental plants in southeastern Europe. In: Abstracts from International Symposium Ecology of Aphidophaga 12, September 9-13, Belgrade, Serbia
Laamari M.,
Starý P. (2013) Aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidinae) of Algeria: Diversity, host associations and distribution. In: Abstracts from International Symposium Ecology of Aphidophaga 12, September 9-13, Belgrade, Serbia
Mifsud D., Zammit M.,
Starý P. (2013) Further contributions to the tritrophic plant-aphid-parasitoid associations in Malta with special reference to Aphis nerii (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea) as a prevalent refugium of Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Malta
6: 129-135.
Mitrović M., Petrović
A., Kavallieratos N.,
Starý P., Petrovič-Obradovič O., Tomanovič Ž., Vorburger C. (2013) Geographic structure with no evidence for host- associated lineages in European populations of Lysiphlebus testaceipes, an introduced biological control agent. Biological Control
66: 150-158.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2013.05.007 |
Mitrovski-Bogdanović A., Petrović
A., Mitrović M., Ivanovič A., Žikić V.,
Starý P., Vorburger C., Tomanovič Ž. (2013) Identification of cryptic species within the Praon abjectum group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) using molecular markers and morphometric geometrics. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.
106: 170-180.
DOI: 10.1603/AN12100 |
A., Mitrović M.,
Starý P., Petrovič-Obradovič O., Žikić V., Tomanovič Ž., Vorburger C. (2013) Lysiphlebus orientalis (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a new invasive aphid parasitoid in Europe – evidence from molecular markers Bulletin of Entomological Research
103: 451-457.
DOI: 10.1017/S0007485313000035 |
A., Žikić V., Kavallieratos N.,
Starý P., Tomanovič Ž. (2013) Barcoding the genus Ephedrus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). In: Abstracts from International Symposium Ecology of Aphidophaga 12, September 9-13, Belgrade, Serbia
Pons X., Lumbierres B., Comas J., Madeira F.,
Starý P. (2013) Effects of surrounding landscape on parasitism of alfalfa aphids in an IPM crop systém in northern Catalonia. BioControl
58: 733-744.
DOI: 10.1007/s10526-013-9534-y |
Rakhshani E.,
Starý P., Tomanovič Ž. (2013) Tritrophic associations and taxonomic notes on Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae), a keystone aphid parasitoid in Iran. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade
65: 667-680.
DOI: 10.2298/ABS1302667R |
Stanković S.,
Starý P., Mifsud D. (2013) Aphids and their parasitoids on the Canary grass, Phalaris canariensis in Malta (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae). Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Malta
6: 137-141.
Tomanovič Ž., Kos K., Petrović
Starý P., Kavallieratos N., Žikić V., Jakše J., Trdan S., Ivanovič A. (2013) The relationship between molecular variation and variation in the wing shape of three aphid parasitoid species. Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki, Aphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani Perez and Aphidius avenaphis (Fitch) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae). Zoologischer Anzeiger
252: 41-47.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.20012.03.003 |
Bašilova J.,
Havelka J., Rakauskas R.,
Starý P., Turčinavičiene J. (2012) New information on the invasive to Europe aphid species Brachycaudus divaricatae Shaposhnikov, 1956 (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Biologia
67: 959-965.
DOI: 10.2478/s11756-012-0083-0 |
Ghafouri Moghaddam M., Rakhshani E., Starý P., Tomanovič Ž., Kavallieratos N. (2012) Occurrence of Monoctonia vesicarii Tremblay (Hym., Braconidae, Aphidiinae), a very rare parasitoid of the gall forming aphids, Pemphigus spp. (Hemi., Eriosomatidae) in Iran. In: Abstracts from 20th Iranian Plant Prot. Congress, August 25-28, 2012, Shiraz, Iran, p. 212. |
Havelka J.,
Starý P., Rychlý S. (2012) Mšice zhoubná v ČR –pokles populační hustoty a zmenšení areálu Rostlinolékař
4: 15-19.
Havelka J., Tomanovič Ž., Kavallieratos N., Rakhshani E., Pons X., Petrović
A., Pike K.,
Starý P. (2012) Review and key to the world parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of Aphis ruborum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its role as a host reservoir Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer.
105: 386-394.
DOI: 10.1603/AN11108 |
Kos K., Trdan S., Petrović
Starý P., Kavallieratos N., Petrovič-Obradovič O., Tomanovič Ž. (2012) Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) from Slovenia, with description of a new Aphidius species. Zootaxa
3456: 36-50.
Laamari M., Chaouche S., Halimi C., Benferhat S., Abbés S., Khenissa N.,
Starý P. (2012) A review of aphid parasitoids and their associations in Algeria (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae; Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) African Entomology
20: 161-170.
Mifsud D.,
Starý P. (2012) Lipolexis gracilis Förster, 1862 – new record of an aphid parasitoid from Malta (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) Bull. Ent. Soc. Malta
5: 175-177.
Nazari Y., Zamani A., Masoumi S., Rakhshani E., Petrovič-Obradovič O., Tomanovič S.,
Starý P., Tomanovič Ž. (2012) Diversity and host associations of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) in the farmlands of western Iran Acta Entomol. Mus. Nat. Pragae
52: 559-584.