Celkem nalezeno: 83 záznamů |
Boukal D., Sabelis M.,
Berec L. (2007) How predator functional responses and Allee effects in prey affect the paradox of enrichment and population collapses. Theoretical Population Biology
72: 136-147.
Wu H., Lee H., Horng S.,
Berec L. (2007) Modeling population dynamics of two cockroach species: effects of the circadian clock, interspecific competition and pest control. Journal of Theoretical Biology
249: 473-486.
Berec M.,
Křivan V.,
Berec L. (2006) Asymmetric competition, body size, and foraging
tactics: testing the ideal free distribution in
two competing fish species Evolutionary Ecology Research
8: 929-942.
Žurovcová M., Tatarenkov A.,
Berec L. (2006) Differences in the pattern of evolution in six physically linked genes of Drosophila melanogaster. Gene
381: 24-33.
Berec L., Křivan V., Boukal D. (2005) Preferential feeding on male prey stabilizes predator-prey dynamics. In: Book of Abstracts, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, 18-22 July, 2005, Dresden, Germany, p. 192. |
Berec L., Schembri P.,
Boukal D. (2005) Sex determination in Bonellia viridis (Echiura: Bonelliidae): population dynamics and evolution Oikos
108: 473-484.
Berec M., Křivan V., Berec L. (2005) Menší vyhrává: asymetrická kompetice a ideálně volná distribuce u dvou kompetujících druhů ryb. In: Program a Abstrakty, 32 Ethologická Konference, Nečtiny, Česká Republika, p. 16. |
Berec L.,
Boukal D. (2004) Implications of mate search, mate choice and divorce rate for population dynamics of sexually reproducing species. Oikos
104: 122-132.
Berec L. (2003) Simultaneous prey encounters by optimally foraging predators: theory and experiments Comments on Theoretical Biology
8: 1-36.
Berec M., Krivan V.,
Berec L. (2003) Are great tits (Parus major) really optimal foragers? Canad. J. Zool.
81: 780-788.
Berec L. (2002) Techniques of spatially explicit individual-based models: construction, simulation, and mean-field analysis Ecological Modelling
150: 55-81.
Boukal D.,
Berec L. (2002) Single-species models of the Allee effect: extinction boundaries, sex ratios and mate encounters J. Theor. Biol.
218: 375-394.
Jorgensen S., Ray S.,
Berec L., Straškraba M. (2002) Improved calibration of a eutrophication model by use of the size variation due to succession Ecological Modelling
153: 269-277.
Berec L.,
Boukal D.,
Berec M. (2001) Linking the allee effect, sexual reproduction, and temperature-dependent sex determination via spatial dynamics. Amer. Natur.
157: 217-230.
Ray S.,
Berec L., Straškraba M., Jorgensen S. (2001) Optimization of exergy and implications of body sizes of phytoplankton and zooplankton in an aquatic ecosystem model. Ecol. Model.
140: 219-234.
Ray S.,
Berec L., Straškraba M., Ulanowicz R. (2001) Evaluation of system performance through optimizing ascendency in an aquatic ecosystem model Journal of Biological Systems
9: 269-290.
Berec L. (2000) Mixed encounters, limited perception and optimal foraging. Bul. Mathem. Biol.
62: 849-868.
Berec L.,
Křivan V. (2000) A mechanistic model for partial preferences. Theor. Popul. Biol.
58: 279-290.
Berec L. (1998) A multi-model method to fault detection and diagnosis: Bayesian solution. An introductory treatise. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process
12: 81-92.
Berec L. (1998) On individual-based models for single-species population growth, predator-prey interaction and optimal foraging. FITOP, August 10-14, 1998, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Abstract p. 8. |