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Celkem nalezeno: 7760 záznamů
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de Groot M., Christou M., Pan J.Y., Adriaens T., Maes D., Martinou A.F., Roy H., Verbeken A., Haelewaters D. (2024) harmonizing host–parasite records of Harmonia axyridis and Hesperomyces harmoniae. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 18: 665-679.
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de Mesquita C.P.B., Vimercati L., Wu D., Childress M.K., Danz A., Grupe A.C., Haelewaters D., Hyde N.M., Kossmann T., Oliver C., Perrotta C., Young B.D., Schmidt S.K., Tringe S., Quandt C.A. (2024) Fungal diversity and function in metagenomes sequenced from extreme environments. Fungal Ecology 72: article number: 101383.
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De Wint F., Nicholson S., Koid Q., Zahra S., Chestney-Claassen G., Seelan J.S.S., Xie J., Xing S., Fayle T. M., Haelewaters D. (2024) Introducing a global database of entomopathogenic fungi and their host associations Scientific Data 11: article number: 1418.
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Doležel D. (2024) Sociosexual interactions: A clock synchronized by smell. Current Biology 34: R284-R286.
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