Celkem nalezeno: 83 záznamů |
Pavlova V.,
Berec L. (2012) Impacts of predation on dynamics of age-structured prey: Allee effects and multi-stability Theoretical Ecology
5: 533-544.
DOI: 10.1007/s12080-011-0144-y |
Berec L., Maxin D. (2011) Double impact of sterilizing pathogens: added value of increased life expectancy on pest control effectiveness Journal of Mathematical Biology DOI: 10.1007/s00285-011-0449-x |
Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Peterka J., Čech M.,
Berec L., Kubečka J. (2011) A model of gillnet catch in relation to the catchable biomass, saturation, soak time and sampling period Fisheries Research
107: 1-3.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2010.10.021 |
Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Peterka J., Čech M.,
Berec L., Kubečka J. (2011) A model of gillnet catch in relation to the catchable biomass, saturation, soak time and sampling period. Fisheries Research
107: 201-209..
Tobin P.,
Berec L., Liebhold A. (2011) Exploiting Allee effects for managing biological invasions. Ecology Letters
14: 615-624.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01614.x |
Berec L. (2010) Impacts of foraging facilitation among predators on predator-prey dynamics Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
72: 94-121.
Berec L. (2010) Population dynamics on complex food webs Pages 167-193 in R. P. Mondaini, ed. BIOMAT 2009: International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology. World Scientific, Singapore |
Berec L.,
Eisner J., Krivan V. (2010) Adaptive foraging does not always lead to more complex food webs Journal of Theoretical Biology
266: 211-218.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.06.034 |
Fibich P.,
Lepš J.,
Berec L. (2010) Modelling the population dynamics of root hemiparasitic plants along a productivity gradient Folia Geobotanica
45: 425-442.
DOI: 10.1007/s12224-010-9080-7 |
Maxin D.,
Berec L. (2010) A two-sex demographic model with single-dependent divorce rate Journal of Theoretical Biology
265: 647-656.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.06.013 |
Pavlova V.,
Berec L.,
Boukal D. (2010) Caught between two Allee effects: trade-off between reproduction and predation risk Journal of Theoretical Biology
264: 787-798.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.03.009 |
Boukal D.,
Berec L. (2009) Modelling mate-finding Allee effects and populations dynamics, with applications in pest control Population Ecology
51: 445–458.
Gascoigne J.,
Berec L., Gregory S., Courchamp F. (2009) Dangerously few liaisons: a review of mate-finding Allee effects Population Ecology
51: 355–372.
Berec L. (2008) Models of Allee effects and their implications for population and community dynamics Biophysical Reviews and Letters
3: 157-181.
Berec L. (2008) Models of Allee effects and their implications for population and community dynamics R. P. Mondaini and R. Dilao, eds. BIOMAT 2007: International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology. World Scientific, Singapore
Boukal D.,
Berec L.,
Křivan V. (2008) Does sex-selective predation stabilize or destabilize
predator-prey dynamics? PLoS ONE
3: 1-10.
Courchamp F., Berec L., Gascoigne J. (2008) Allee effects in ecology and conservation Oxford University Press |
Deredec A.,
Berec L.,
Boukal D., Courchamp F. (2008) Are non-sexual models appropriate for predicting the impact of virus-vectored immunocontraception? Journal of Theoretical Biology
250: 281-290.
Angulo E., Roemer G.,
Berec L., Gascoigne J., Courchamp F. (2007) Double Allee effects and extinction in the island fox. Conservation Biology
21: 1082-1091.
Berec L., Angulo E., Courchamp F. (2007) Multiple Allee effects and population management. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
22: 185-191.