
Celkem nalezeno: 7745 záznamů
Hodek I., Holman J., Starý P., Štys P., Zelený J. (1959) Natural enemies of the bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.) in Czechoslovakia. Int. Conf. Insect Path. biol. Control, Praha, 1958: 553-557.
Holman J. (1959) Aulacorthum dryopteridis n. sp. and Aphis torquens n. sp., two new aphid species from Czechoslovakia. Čas.Čs.Spol.ent. (Acta Soc.ent.Čechoslov.) 56: 221-236.
Hrdý I. (1959) Pokus o zvýšení odolnosti dřevovláknitých desek proti termitům. Versuch um Erhöhung der Resistenz der Faserholzplatten gegen Termitenbeschädigung. Zool. listy, 8: 193-207.
Landa V. (1959) Vývoj a funkce samičích pohlavních orgánů chrousta obecného (Melolontha melolontha L.). [The development and function of the male reproductive organs of Melolontha melolontha L.]. Čas. Čs. spol. entomol. 56: 313-331.
Landa V. (1959) Problems of internal anatomy of Ephemeroptera and their relation to the phylogeny and systematics of the order. Proc. 9th Int. Congr. Zool., London, 133-135.
Landa V. (1959) Řád Jepice - Ephemeroptera. In: Kratochvíl J. (Ed.) Klíč zvířeny ČSR, III [Mayflies - the order Ephemeroptera. In: A key to fauna of Czechoslovakia, III] Czech. Acad. Sci., Praha, 59: 143-167.
Starý P. (1959) Redescription of the aphidiine genus Lipolexis Foerster, 1862. Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov. 56: 93-96.
Starý P. (1959) Notes on Aphidius ephippium Haliday. Beitr. Ent. 9: 180-184.
Starý P. (1959) A revision of the genus Aclitus Foerster. Beitr. Ent. 9: 184-189.
Starý P. (1959) A revision of the European species of the genus Monoctonus Haliday. Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov. 56: 237-250.
Starý P. (1959) Synonymical and other notes on Protaphidius wissmannii (Ratz.). Ins. Mats. 22: 88-91.
Starý P. (1959) A revision of the genus Dyscritulus Hincks. Acta faun. ent. Mus. Nat. Pragae 5: 69-74.
Hodek I. (1958) Influence of temperature, rel. humidity and photoperiodicity on the speed of development of Coccinella 7-punctata L. Čas. Čs. Spol. Entomol. 55: 121-141.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1958) A study of the imaginal hibernation of Semiadalia undecimnotata Schneid. (Coccinellidae, Col.) in the open, Věstník Čs. Spol. Zool. 22: 180-192.
Landa V., Hrdý I., Novák K., Skuhravý V. (1958) The results of the study of the control of cockchafers in Czechoslovakia. Zool. Čas. 37: 394-402.
Starý P. (1958) Notes on the Braconidae of Czechoslovakia. IV, Part 2. Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov. 55: 20-33.
Starý P. (1958) A taxonomic revision of some aphidiine genera with remarks on the subfamily Aphidiinae. Acta faun. ent. Mus. Nat. Pragae 3: 53-96.
Bouček Z., Starý P. (1957) Braconidae. In: „Klíč k fauně ČSSR“ (Braconidae, in „Key to the fauna of ČSSR“). Vol.II., pp.162-168. Praha, Academia Publ. House, l-746.
Hodek I. (1957) The influence of Aphis sambuci L. as food for Coccinella 7-punctata L. II. Acta Soc. Entomol. Čechoslov. 54: 10-17.
Hodek I. (1957) The larval food consumption of Coccinella 7-punctata L. Zool. listy 6: 3-11.


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