Celkem nalezeno: 112 záznamů |
Nermuť J., Weijler, Victoria, Konopická J., Půža V. (2022) Molluscs vs. EPNs and Phasmarhabditis. 18th meeting of the IOBC/WPRS working group Microbial and nematode control of invertebrate pats: Microbial control agents in the age of global change. České Budějovice, Czech Republic 19-22 June |
Nermuť J., Weijler, Victoria, Savula, J., Bachinger, V., Zahid, S., Konopická J., Borák, J., Janouch, M., Půža V. (2022) Molluscs and EPNs: Symbiotic bacteria may help with slug control. 7th International Congress of Nematology 2022; Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France |
Půža V., Nermuť J. (2022) Potential new targets for entomopathogenic nematodes. 7th International Congress of Nematology 2022, Antibes Juan-les_Pins |
Půža V., Nermuť J., Konopická J., Skoková Habuštová O. (2022) Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes on Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). 18th meeting of the IOBC/WPRS working group Microbial and nematode control of invertebrate pats: Microbial control agents in the age of global change. České Budějovice, Czech Republic 19-22 June |
Zemek R., Nermuť J., Konopická J., Bohatá A. (2022) Insekticídne a akaricídne aditívum do nosného substrátu na pestovanie rastlín Patent č. 288968. Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva Slovenskej republiky |
Bhat A.H., Chaubey A.K.,
Hartmann J.,
Nermuť J.,
Půža V. (2021) Notes on the morphology, bionomics, distribution and efficacy of Steinernema siamkayai (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) from western Uttar Pradesh, India. Nematology
23: 817-836.
DOI: 10.1163/15685411-bja10079 |
Konopická J., Bohatá A.,
Nermuť J., Jozová E.,
Mráček Z., Palevsky E.,
Zemek R. (2021) Efficacy of soil isolates of entomopathogenic fungi against the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini (Acari: Acaridae). Systematic and Applied Acarology
26: 1149–1167.
DOI: 10.11158/saa.26.6.11 |
Nermuť J. (2021) Technologie výroby invazních larev hlístice Steinernema feltiae kmen NFUST metodou in vitro Ověřená technologie OT-ENTU-03
Nermuť J.,
Půža V.,
Zemek R. (2021) Mohly by entomopatogenní hlístice regulovat populace půdních fytofágních roztočů? Rostlinolékař
Nermuť J.,
Půža V.,
Zemek R.,
Konopická J., Bohatá A. (2021) Hlístice efektivně šíří spory entomopatogenních hub. Rostlinolékař
Půža V.,
Nermuť J.,
Konopická J.,
Skoková Habuštová O. (2021) Efficacy of the Applied Natural Enemies on the Survival of Colorado Potato Beetle Adults. Insects
12: article number: 1030.
DOI: 10.3390/insects12111030 |
Howe D., Ha, A.D., Colton, A., Tandigan de Ley, I., Rae, R.G., Ross, J., Wilson M.J.,
Nermuť J., Zhao Z., Zhao Z., Mc Donnell R.J. (2020) Phylogenetic evidence for the invasion of a commercialized European Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita lineage into North America and New Zealand. Plos One
15(8): e0237249.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237249 |
Nermuť J.,
Konopická J.,
Zemek R.,
Kopačka M., Bohatá A.,
Půža V. (2020) Dissemination of Isaria fumosorosea spores by Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Journal of Fungi
6: 359.
DOI: 10.3390/jof6040359 |
Půža V., Campos-Herrera R., Blanco-Pérez R.,
Jakubíková H.,
Nermuť J., Vincente-Díez I. (2020) Steinernema riojaense n. sp., a new entomopathogenic nematode (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) from Spain. Nematology
22: 825-841.
DOI: 10.1163/15685411-00003343 |
Zemek R.,
Nermuť J.,
Konopická J., Palevsky E., Bohatá A.,
Mráček Z.,
Půža V. (2020) Microbial and nematode control of the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini (Acari: Acaridae). IOBC-WPRS Bulletin
D´Ovidio, D.,
Nermuť J., Adami, C., Santoro, M. (2019) Occurrence of Rhabditid Nematodes in the Pet Giant African Land Snails (Achatina fulica). Frontiers in Veterinary Science
6 : article number 88.
DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00088 |
Jaffuel, Geoffrey ,
Půža V., Hug, Anna-Sofia, Meuli,Reto Giulio,
Nermuť J., Turlings, Ted C.J. , Desurmont, Gaylord A. , Campos-Herrera, Raquel (2019) Molecular detection and quantification of slug parasitic nematodes from the soil and their hosts. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
160: 18-25.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2018.11.005 |
Konopická J.,
Zemek R., Bohatá A.,
Nermuť J.,
Mráček Z., Palevsky E. (2019) Entomopathogenic fungi as biocontrol agent agains the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini. SIP/IOBC, Valencia, Spain, 28.7.-3.8.2019.
Mráček Z.,
Nermuť J., Tesařová M.,
Půža V. (2019) Morphology of the lateral fields of the infective juvenile of the entomopathogenic family Steinernematidae (Nematoda) using high pressure freezing (HPF). Nematology
22(1): 69-74.
DOI: 10.1163/15685411-00003284 |
Nermuť J. (2019) Kontrola a boj - nikdy více, prosím. Živa