prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Novotný, CSc.
Funkce: Ředitel , Vedoucí laboratoře - Laboratoř tropické ekologie
+420 38 777 5212 Director's Office; +420 38 777 5362 Laboratory
Vzájemné vztahy herbivorů a rostlin v tropech|Plant-herbivore interactions in the tropics
Celkem nalezeno: 290 záznamů
Korejs K., Koane B., Jeppy S., Ré Jorge L., Novotný V., Sam K. (2025) Feeding Specialisation Shapes Avian Functional Diversity Along a Tropical Rainforest Elevational Gradient. Journal of Biogeography Early View : DOI: 10.1111/jbi.15103 |
Dahl C., Richards S., Basien I., Mungkaje A.J., Novotný V. (2024) Local and regional diversity of frog communities along an extensive rainforest elevation gradient in Papua New Guinea. Biotropica
: 90-97. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13283 |
Finnie S.,
Butterill P. T., Novotný V.,
Redmond C. M.,
Ré Jorge L., Abe T.,
Lamarre G.,
Maicher V.,
Sam K. (2024) Vertical stratification and defensive traits of caterpillars against parasitoids in a lowland tropical forest in Cameroon. Oecologia
: 915-930. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-024-05542-x |
Ibalim S.,
Toko P., Segar S.T., Sagata K., Koane B., Miller S., Novotný V.,
Janda M. (2024) Phylogenetic structure of moth communities (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) along a complete rainforest elevational gradient in Papua New Guinea. PLoS ONE
: article number: e0308698. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0308698 |
Medina-Vega J.A., Zuleta D., Aguilar S., Alonso A., Bissiengou P., Brockelman W.Y., Bunyavejchewin S., Burslem D.F.R.P., Castano N., Chave J., Dalling J.W., de Oliveira A.A., Dugue A., Edirinweera S., et al., Novotný V., O'Brien M.J., Pérez R., Pongpattananurak N., et al., Yao T.L., Zimmerman J.K., Davies S. (2024) Tropical tree ectomycorrhiza are distributed independently of soil nutrients. Nature Ecology & Evolution
: 400-410. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02298-0 |
Perng B.-H., Lam T. Y., Cheng S-T., Su S.-H., Anderson-Teixeira K., Bourg N.A., Burslem D.F.R.P., Castano N., Duque A., Ediriweera S., Gunatilleke N., Lutz J.A., McShea W.J., Md Sabri M.D., Novotný V., O’Brien M.J., Reynolds G., Weiblen G., Zuleta D. (2024) Mapping distribution of woody plant species richness from field rapid assessment and machine learning. Taiwania
: 1-15. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.1 |
Perng B.-H., Lam T.Y., Su S.-H., Sabri M.D.B.M., Burslem D., Cardenas D., Duque A., Ediriweera S., Gunatilleke N., Novotný V., O’Brien M.J., Reynolds G. (2024) Integrating rapid assessment, variable probability sampling, and machine learning to improve accuracy and consistency in mapping local spatial distribution of plant species richness. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research
: 282-294. DOI: 10.1093/forestry/cpad041 |
Sam K.,
Ré Jorge L., Koane B., Hazell R.J., Shearman P.L., Novotný V. (2024) Reorganization of bird communities along a rainforest elevation gradient during a strong El Niño event in Papua New Guinea. Ecology and Evolution
: article number: e10955. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10955 |
Segar S. T.,
Ré Jorge L., Nicholls L.,
Basset Y. F., Rota J.,
Kaman O., Sisol M., Gewa B.,
Dahl C. N.,
Butterill P. T.,
Mezzomo P., Miller S., Weiblen G., Salminen J.-P., Novotný V.,
Volf M. (2024) Species swarms and their caterpillar colonisers: phylogeny and polyphenols determine host plant specificity in New Guinean Lepidoptera. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
: article number: 1308608. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1308608 |
Seymour M., Roslin T., deWaard J.R., Perez K.H.J., D’Souza M.L., Ratnasingham S., Ashfaq M., Levesque-Beaudin V., Blagoev G.A., Bukowski B., Cale P., Crosbie D., Decaëns T., de Waard S.L., et al., Novotný V., Penev L., Pentinsaan M., et al., Zlotnick B., Ovaskainen O., Herbert P.D.N. (2024) Global arthropod beta-diversity is spatially and temporally structured by latitude. Communications Biology
: article number: 552. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-024-06199-1 |
Stockdale J.A., Middleton J., Aina R., Cherake G., Dem F., Ferea W., Hane-Nou A., Huanduo W.,
Kik A., Novotný V., Ruli B., Yearwood P., Cassell J., Eldridge A., Fairhead J., Winchester J., Stewart A.J. (2024) Mobilising Papua New Guinea’s Conservation Humanities: Research, Teaching, Capacity Building, Future Directions. Conservation and Society
: 86-96. DOI: 10.4103/cs.cs_48_23 |
Volf M.,
Fontanilla A., Vanhakylä S., Abe T., Libra M., Kogo R., Lilip R., Kamata N., Murakami M., Novotný V., Salminen J.-P., Segar S.T. (2024) High intraspecific variability and previous experience affect polyphenol metabolism in polyphagous Lymantria mathura caterpillars. Ecology and Evolution
: article number: e10973. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10973 |
Weiss M.,
Zimová K., Mogia M., Novotný V. (2024) Bark and ambrosia beetles on native and transplanted dead wood along an altitudinal tropical forest gradient. Biotropica
: article number: e13316. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13316 |
Xiao X.,
Ré Jorge L.,
Volf M.,
Moos M., Gélin U.,
Finnie S.,
Freiberga I.,
Jančúchová Lásková J.,
Weiss M., Novotný V.,
Sam K. (2024) The effect of drought-induced leaf traits on Ficus leaf palatability is species specific. Ecosphere
: article number: e4831. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4831 |
Chakraborty A., Šobotník J., Votýpková K., Hradecký J., Stiblik P., Synek J., Bourguignon T., Baldrian P., Engel M.S., Novotný V., Odriozola I., Větrovský T. (2023) Impact of wood age on termite microbial assemblages. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
: article number: e0036123. DOI: 10.1128/aem.00361-23 |
Copete J.C.,
Kik A., Novotný V., Cámara-Leret R. (2023) The importance of Indigenous and local people for cataloging biodiversity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
: 1112-1114. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2023.08.017 |
Delavaux C.S., LaManna J. A., Myers J.A., Phillips R.P., Aguilar S., Allen D., Alonso A., Anderson-Teixeira K., Baker M.E., Baltzer J., Bissiengou P., Bonfim M., Bourg N.A., Brockelman W.Y., et al., Novotný V., O’Brien M.J., Orwig D.A., et al., Maynard D.S., Crowther T.W., Averill C.A. (2023) Mycorrhizal feedbacks influence global forest structure and diversity. Communications Biology
: article number: 1066. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-05410-z |
Frouz J., Kukla J., Umari R., Whitfeld T., Novotný V. (2023) Soil fauna bioturbation along a successional gradient following swidden agriculture in the lowland tropical rainforests of New Guinea Catena
: Article number 107203. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2023.107203 |
Houska Tahadlová M., Mottl O.,
Ré Jorge L., Koane B., Novotný V.,
Sam K. (2023) Trophic cascades in tropical rainforests: Effects of vertebrate predator exclusion on arthropods and plants in Papua New Guinea Biotropica
: 70-80. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13160 Dokumenty ke stažení: Tahadlova_2022 (pdf) |
Iova B., Gideon O., Novotný V.,
Sam K., Kigl M., Koane B., Paul L., Yama S., Jepi S. (2023) Bird Species Diversity, Distribution, and Community Composition in Different Forest Types in Papua New Guinea. Case Studies in the Environment
: article number: 1836576. DOI: 10.1525/cse.2023.1836576 |