prof. Ing. David Boukal, Ph.D.
Funkce: Vedoucí laboratoře - Laboratoř biodiverzity a ekologie vodního hmyzu
+420 387772327
Modely populační dynamiky a evoluční ekologie; vodní brouci (ekologie, faunistika, taxonomie)|Models of population dynamics and evolutionary ecology; water beetles (ecology, faunistics, taxonomy)
Celkem nalezeno: 141 záznamů
Duchet C., Verheyen J., Van Houdt R., Grabicová K., Dekan Carreira V., Stoks R., Boukal D. (2025) Bioenergetic responses mediate interactive effects of pharmaceuticals and warming on freshwater arthropod populations and ecosystem functioning. Journal of Hazardous Materials
: article number: 137814. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2025.137814 |
Dijoux S., Pichon N.A., Sentis A., Boukal D. (2024) Body size and trophic position determine the outcomes of species invasions along temperature and productivity gradients. Ecology Letters
: article number: e14310. DOI: 10.1111/ele.14310 |
Dijoux S., Smalas A., Primicerio R., Boukal D. (2024) Differences in Tri-Trophic Community Responses to Temperature-Dependent Vital Rates, Thermal Niche Mismatches and Temperature-Size Rule. Evolution Letters
: article number: e70022. DOI: 10.1111/ele.70022 |
Duchet C., Grabicová K.,
Kolář V., Lepšová O., Švecová H., Csercsa A., Zdvihalová B., Randák T., Boukal D. (2024) Combined effects of climate warming and pharmaceuticals on a tri-trophic freshwater food web. Water Research
: article number: 121053. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.121053 |
Grabicová K.,
Duchet C., Švecová H., Randák T., Boukal D., Grabic R. (2024) The effect of warming and seasonality on bioaccumulation of selected pharmaceuticals in freshwater invertebrates. Water Research
: article number: 121360. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121360 |
Mocq J., Dekanová V., Boukal D. (2024) Length–mass allometries of the larvae of aquatic dipterans: differences between taxa, morphological traits, and methods. Journal of Insect Science
: article number: 10. DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/ieae012 |
Sentis A., Bazin S., Boukal D., Stoks R. (2024) Ecological consequences of body size reduction under warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
: article number: 20241250. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2024.1250 |
Carreira B.,
Kolář V.,
Chmelová E., Jan J., Adašević J.,
Landeira Dabarca A., Vebrová L., Poláková M., Horká P., Otáhalová Š., Musilová Z., Borovec J.,
Tropek R., Boukal D. (2023) Bioaccumulation of chemical elements at post-industrial freshwater sites varies predictably between habitats, elements and taxa: A power law approach. Science of the Total Environment
: 165794. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165794 |
Kolář V.,
Chmelová E., Bílková M., Borovec J.,
Carreira B., Černý M., Ditrich T., Horká P.,
Hrivniak Ľ., Hrubý F., Jan J.,
Landeira Dabarca A., Lepšová-Skácelová O., Musilová Z., Otáhalová Š., Poláková M., Polášková V., Sacherová V., Špaček J.,
Sroka P., Vebrová L., Boukal D.,
Tropek R. (2023) Muddying the unexplored post-industrial waters: Biodiversity and conservation potential of freshwater habitats in fly ash sedimentation lagoons. Science of the Total Environment
: 165803. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165803 |
Kolář V., Francová K., Vrba J., Grill S., Boukal D. (2023) Widespread long-term declines of littoral areas in protected and unprotected Czech fishponds. Ecological Engineering
: article number: 107042. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2023.107042 |
Sentis A., Kaunisto K., Chari L., Morrill A., Popova O., Pomeranz J., Boukal D., Tüzün N., Stoks R. (2023) Odonata trophic ecology from hunting behavior to cross-ecosystem impact. In: Dragonflies and Damselflies, 2 edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-289862-3.
219-232. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780192898623.003.0016 |
Tesfaye M., Souza, A.T., Soukalová K., Šmejkal M., Hejzlar J., Prchalová M., Říha M., Muška M., Vašek M., Frouzová J., Blabolil P., Boukal D., Kubečka J. (2023) Somatic growth of pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) in relation to variation in temperature and eutrophication in a Central Europe Lake. Fisheries Research
: 106824. DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106824 |
Kodada J., Boukal D., Vďačný P., Goffová K., Ondrejková K. (2022) Elmidae of Sarawak: the genus Potamophilus Germar, 1811, with a description of P. kelabitensis sp. nov. (Insecta: Coleoptera). European Journal of Taxonomy
: 1-18. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.806.1695 |
Kolář V., Francová K., Vrba J., Boukal D. (2022) Litorální porosty rybníků jako ohrožená centra biodiverzity. Živa
: 235-239. |
Másílková M., Boukal D., Ash H., Buchanan-Smith H.M., Konečná M. (2022) Linking personality traits and reproductive success in common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Scientific Reports
: article number: 13341. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-16339-4 |
Soukup P., Näslund J., Höjesjö J., Boukal D. (2022) From individuals to communities: Habitat complexity affects all levels of organization in aquatic environments. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews – Water
: article number: e1575. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1575 |
Šupina J., Bojková J., Boukal D. (2022) Environmental stressors alter multiple determinants of individual reproductive output in the acid-tolerant mayfly Leptophlebia vespertina. Ecological Entomology
: 488-500. DOI: 10.1111/een.13133 |
Tapkir S., Boukal D., Kalous L., Bartoň D., Souza A.,
Kolář V., Soukalová K., Duchet C., Gottwald M., Šmejkal M. (2022) Invasive gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) outperforms threatened native crucian carp (Carassius carassius) in growth rate and effectiveness of resource use: Field and experimental evidence. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
: 1901–1912. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3894 |
Yildiz D., Yalçin G., Jovanović B., Boukal D., Vebrová L., Riha D., Stanković J., Savić-Zdraković D., Metin M., Akyürek Y.N., Balkanli D., Filiz N., Milošević D., Feuchtmayr H., Richardson J.A., Beklioglu M. (2022) Effects of a microplastic mixture differ across trophic levels and taxa in a freshwater food web: In situ mesocosm experiment. Science of the Total Environment
: article number: 155407. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155407 |
Boukal D., Mocq J., Pellisier L., Ostyn G. (2021) Ontogenetic scaling of the temperature and size dependence of functional responses. In: SEFS 12, 12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, Dublin, Irsko, 25.-30.7. 2021 [talk] |