Celkem nalezeno: 651 záznamů |
Šrůtek M.,
Lepš J. (1994) Variation in structure of Larix olgensis stands along the altitudinal gradient on Paektu-san, Changbai-shan, North Korea. Arctic Alpine Res.
26: 166-173.
Krahulec F.,
Lepš J. (1993) The migration of vascular plants to a new water reservoir: geographic relationships. Preslia (Praha)
65: 147-162.
Lepš J. (1993) Taylor's power law and the measurement of variation in the size of populations in space and time. Oikos
68: 349-356.
Novotný V. (1993) Spatial and temporal components of species diversity in Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) communities of Indochinese montane rain forest. J. Tropical Ecol.
9: 93-100.
Novotný V. (1993) What can be inferred from species diversity indices? Coenoses
8: 25-26.
Spitzer K.,
Novotný V., Tonner M.,
Lepš J. (1993) Habitat preferences, distribution and seasonality of the butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) in a montane tropical rain forest, Vietnam. J. Biogeography
20: 109-121.
Tonner M.,
Novotný V.,
Lepš J., Komárek S. (1993) False head wing pattern of the Burmese junglequeen butterfly and the deception of avian predators. Biotropica
25: 474-478.
Novotný V. (1992) Vertical distribution of leafhoppers (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha) within a meadow community. Acta Entomol. Bohemoslov.
89: 13-20.
Novotný V. (1992) Community structure of Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) in montane rain forest in Vietnam. J. Tropical Ecol.
8: 169-179.
Spitzer K., Lepš J. (1992) Bionomic strategies in Lepidoptera risk of extinction and nature conservation projects. Nota Lepid. Suppl. No. 4, 81-85. (Proc. VII. Congr. Eur. Lepid., Lunz 1990.) |
Wolda H.,
Spitzer K.,
Lepš J. (1992) Stability of environment and of insect populations. Res. Popul. Ecol.
34: 213-225.
Klimeš L., Novotný V., Klimešová J. (1991) Plant and Auchenorrhyncha communities of a drained pond. Acta Univ. Palack. Olomucensis, Fac. Rer. Nat. 104, Biologica, 59-69. |
Lauterer P.,
Novotný V. (1991) New findings of leafhoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) in Czechoslovakia. Acta Mus. Morav. Sci. Nat.
76: 265-268.
Novotný V. (1991) Effect of habitat persistence on the relationship between geographic distribution and local abundance. Oikos
61: 431-433.
Novotný V. (1991) Responses of Auchenorrhyncha communities to selected characteristics of littoral and meadow vegetation. Ekológia (ČSFR)
10: 271-282.
Novotný V., Tonner M.,
Spitzer K. (1991) Distribution and flight behaviour of the junglequeen butterfly, Stichophthalma louisa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), in an Indochinese montane rainforest. J. Res. Lepid.
30: 279-288.
Lepš J., Soldán T., Landa V. (1990) Prediction of changes in ephemeropteran communities - a transition matrix approach. In: Campbell I.C. (ed.) Mayflies and Stoneflies. Kluwer Acad. Publ., pp. 281-287. |
Lepš J.,
Spitzer K. (1990) Ecological determinants of butterfly communities (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) in the Tam Dao Mountains, Vietnam. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
87: 182-194.
Lepš J., Spitzer K. (1990) Vulnerable butterflies of the Tam Dao Mountains Forest. Garrulax, Biology and Conservation in Vietnam No. 6 (1989/1990), The Royal Soc. for Protection of Birds, UK, pp. 6. |
Novotný V. (1990) Are the parameters of leafhopper (Auchenorrhyncha) and plant communities confluent? A case study on grass and sedge vegetation. Acta Entomol. Bohemoslov.
87: 459-469.