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Celkem nalezeno: 647 záznamů
Novotný V., Wilson M. (1997) Why are there no small species among xylem-sucking insects? Evolutionary Ecology 11: 419-437.
Spitzer K., Jaroš J., Havelka J., Lepš J. (1997) Effect of small-scale disturbance on butterfly communities of an Indochinese montane rainforest. Biol. Conserv. 80: 9-15.
Křenová Z., Lepš J. (1996) Regeneration of a Gentiana pneumonanthe population in an oligotrophic wet meadow. J. Veget. Sci. 7: 107-112.
Novotný V., Kindlmann P. (1996) Distribution of body sizes in arthropod taxa and communities. Oikos 75: 75-82.
Prach K., Lepš J. (1996) Establishment of Picea abies seedlings in a central European mountain grassland: an experimental study. J. Veget. Sci. 7: 681-684.
Rejmánek M., Lepš J. (1996) Negative associations can reveal interspecific competition and reversal of competitive hierarchies during succesion. Oikos 76: 161-168.
Vacek S., Lepš J., Štefančík I., Cicák A. (1996) Precision of visual estimates of tree defoliation. Lesnictví 42: 49-53.
Lepš J. (1995) Variance deficit is not reliable evidence for niche limitation. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. (Praha) 30: 455-459.
Lepš J., Michálek J., Kulíšek P., Uhlík P. (1995) Use of paired plots and multivariate analysis for the determination of goat grazing preference. J. Veget. Sci. 6: 37-42.
Novotný V. (1995) Adaptive significance of wing dimorphism in males of Nilaparvata lugens. Ent. exp. appl. 76: 233-239.
Novotný V. (1995) Relationships between life histories of leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha-Hemiptera) and their host plants (Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae). Oikos 73: 33-42.
Krahulec F., Lepš J. (1994) Establishment success of plant immigrants in a new water reservoir. Folia Geobot. Phytotax, Praha, 29: 3-14.
Novotný V. (1994) Relation between temporal persistence of host plants and wing length in leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Ecol. Entomol. 19: 168-176.
Novotný V. (1994) Association of polyphagy in leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) with unpredictable environments. Oikos 70: 223-232.
Novotný V. (1994) Life histories of leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha) in permanent and ephemeral habitats. Bull. British Ecol. Soc. 25: 93-96.
Novotný V. (1994) Life histories of leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) in unpredictable environments. In: Proc. 5th European Congress of Entomol., York (U.K.) 1994. Pp. 337.
Šrůtek M., Lepš J. (1994) Variation in structure of Larix olgensis stands along the altitudinal gradient on Paektu-san, Changbai-shan, North Korea. Arctic Alpine Res. 26: 166-173.
Krahulec F., Lepš J. (1993) The migration of vascular plants to a new water reservoir: geographic relationships. Preslia (Praha) 65: 147-162.
Lepš J. (1993) Taylor's power law and the measurement of variation in the size of populations in space and time. Oikos 68: 349-356.
Novotný V. (1993) Spatial and temporal components of species diversity in Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) communities of Indochinese montane rain forest. J. Tropical Ecol. 9: 93-100.
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