Celkem nalezeno: 651 záznamů |
Žďárek J.,
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Basset Y., Charles E.,
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Lepš J., Goldberg D., Herben T., Palmer M. (1999) Mechanistic explanations of community structure: Introduction. J. Veget. Sci.
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Novotný V., Basset Y. (1999) Body size and host plant specialization: a relationship from a community of herbivorous insects on Ficus from Papua New Guinea. J. Trop. Ecol.
15: 315-328.
Novotný V., Basset Y., Auga J., Boen W., Dal C., Drozd P., Kasbal M., Isua B., Kutil R., Manumbor M., Molem K. (1999) Predation risk for herbivorous insects on tropical vegetation: A search for enemy-free space and time. Aust. J. Ecol.
24: 477-483.
Novotný V., Basset Y., Samuelson G., Miller S. (1999) Host use by chrysomelid beetles feeding on Moraceae and Euphorbiaceae in New Guinea. Backhuys Publishers, pp. 343-360. |
Vacek S., Bastl M.,
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Basset Y.,
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Novotný V. (1998) Věda naší doby: nic nového pod sluncem. Vesmír
77: 216-217.
Novotný V. (1998) Co si myslí lesní lidé? Vyhlídky lesů Papuy-Nové Guiney na přežití. Vesmír
77: 195-201.
Novotný V. (1998) O papuánských jazycích a aritmetickém průměru. Vesmír
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Novotný V., Basset Y. (1998) Seasonality of sap-sucking insects (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) feeding on Ficus (Moraceae) in a lowland rain forest in New Guinea. Oecologia
115: 514-522.
Novotný V., Basset Y., Miller S., Allison A., Samuelson G., Orsak L. (1998) The diversity of tropical insect herbivores: an approach to collaborative international research in Papua New Guinea. In: Lee B.H., Choe J.C. (eds.) Proceeding of the International Conference on Taxonomy and Biodiversity Conservation in the East Asia. |