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Celkem nalezeno: 651 záznamů
Stockdale J.A., Middleton J., Aina R., Cherake G., Dem F., Ferea W., Hane-Nou A., Huanduo W., Kik A., Novotný V., Ruli B., Yearwood P., Cassell J., Eldridge A., Fairhead J., Winchester J., Stewart A.J. (2024) Mobilising Papua New Guinea’s Conservation Humanities: Research, Teaching, Capacity Building, Future Directions. Conservation and Society 22: 86-96.
DOI: 10.4103/cs.cs_48_23
Volf M., Fontanilla A., Vanhakylä S., Abe T., Libra M., Kogo R., Lilip R., Kamata N., Murakami M., Novotný V., Salminen J.-P., Segar S.T. (2024) High intraspecific variability and previous experience affect polyphenol metabolism in polyphagous Lymantria mathura caterpillars. Ecology and Evolution 14: article number: e10973.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10973
Weiss M., Zimová K., Mogia M., Novotný V. (2024) Bark and ambrosia beetles on native and transplanted dead wood along an altitudinal tropical forest gradient. Biotropica 56: article number: e13316.
DOI: 10.1111/btp.13316
Wróblewska A., Ostrowiecka B., Kotowitz J., Jermakowicz E., Talalaj I., Szefer P. (2024) What are the drivers of female success in food-deceptive orchids? Ecology and Evolution 14: article number: e11233.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11233
Xiao X., Ré Jorge L., Volf M., Moos M., Gélin U., Finnie S., Freiberga I., Jančúchová Lásková J., Weiss M., Novotný V., Sam K. (2024) The effect of drought-induced leaf traits on Ficus leaf palatability is species specific. Ecosphere 15: article number: e4831.
DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4831
Zheng L., Barry K.E., Guerrero-Ramírez N.R., Craven D., Reich P.B., Verheyen K., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Eisenhauer N., Barsoum N., Bauhaus J., et al., Lepš J., Mereu S., Messier C., Montagnini F., et al., Tilman D., Yan E., Hautier Y. (2024) Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. Nature Communications 15: article number: 2078.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46355-z
Ashe-Jepson E., Arizala Cobo S., Basset Y. F., Bladon A.J., Klečková I., Laird-Hopkins B., Mcfarlane A., Sam K., Savage A.F., Zamora A.C., Turner E., Lamarre G. (2023) Tropical butterflies use thermal buffering and thermal tolerance as alternative strategies to cope with temperature increase. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1759-1770.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13970
Basset Y. F., Blažek P., Souto-Vilarós D., Vargas G., Silva J.A.R., Barrios H., Perez F., Bobadilla R., Lopez Y., Čtvrtečka R., Šípek P., Solís A., Segar S.T., Lamarre G. (2023) Towards a functional classification of poorly known tropical insects: The case of rhinoceros beetles (Coleoptera, Dynastinae) in Panama. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 147-163.
DOI: 10.1111/icad.12613
Basset Y. F., Butterill P. T., Donoso D., Lamarre G., Souto-Vilarós D., Perez F., Bobadilla R., Lopez Y., Silva J. A. R., Barrios H. (2023) Abundance, occurrence and time series: long-term monitoring of social insects in a tropical rainforest. Ecological Indicators 150: article number: 110243.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110243
Chakraborty A., Šobotník J., Votýpková K., Hradecký J., Stiblik P., Synek J., Bourguignon T., Baldrian P., Engel M.S., Novotný V., Odriozola I., Větrovský T. (2023) Impact of wood age on termite microbial assemblages. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89: article number: e0036123.
DOI: 10.1128/aem.00361-23
Conti L., Valencia E., Galland T., Götzenberger L., Lepš J., E-Vojtkó A., Carmona C., Májeková M., Danihelka J., Dengler J., Eldridge D.J., Estiarte M., García-González R., Garnier E., Gómez D., Hadincová V., et al., Young T.P., Yu F.-H., Zobel M., de Bello F. (2023) Functional trait trade-offs define plant population stability across different biomes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: article number: 20230344.
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.0344
Copete J.C., Kik A., Novotný V., Cámara-Leret R. (2023) The importance of Indigenous and local people for cataloging biodiversity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38: 1112-1114.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2023.08.017
Delavaux C.S., LaManna J. A., Myers J.A., Phillips R.P., Aguilar S., Allen D., Alonso A., Anderson-Teixeira K., Baker M.E., Baltzer J., Bissiengou P., Bonfim M., Bourg N.A., Brockelman W.Y., et al., Novotný V., O’Brien M.J., Orwig D.A., et al., Maynard D.S., Crowther T.W., Averill C.A. (2023) Mycorrhizal feedbacks influence global forest structure and diversity. Communications Biology 6: article number: 1066.
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-05410-z
Diez Méndez D., Bodawatta K.H., Freiberga I., Klečková I., Jonsson K., Poulsen M., Sam K. (2023) Indirect maternal effects via nest microbiome composition drive gut colonization in altricial chicks. Molecular Ecology 32: 3657-3671.
DOI: 10.1111/mec.16959
Frouz J., Kukla J., Umari R., Whitfeld T., Novotný V. (2023) Soil fauna bioturbation along a successional gradient following swidden agriculture in the lowland tropical rainforests of New Guinea Catena 229: Article number 107203.
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2023.107203
Harvey J.A., Tougeron K., Gols R., Heinen R., Abarca M., Abram P.K., Basset Y. F., Berg M., Boggs C., Brodeur J., Cardoso P., de Boer J.G., et al., Lamarre G., Laurance W., Lavandero B., Leather S., Lehmann P., Le Lann C., et al., Woods H.A., Wyckhuys K.A.G., Chown S.L. (2023) Scientists' warning on climate change and insects. Ecological Monographs 93: e1553.
DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1553
Houska Tahadlová M., Mottl O., Ré Jorge L., Koane B., Novotný V., Sam K. (2023) Trophic cascades in tropical rainforests: Effects of vertebrate predator exclusion on arthropods and plants in Papua New Guinea Biotropica 55: 70-80.
DOI: 10.1111/btp.13160

Dokumenty ke stažení:
Tahadlova_2022 (pdf)
Iova B., Gideon O., Novotný V., Sam K., Kigl M., Koane B., Paul L., Yama S., Jepi S. (2023) Bird Species Diversity, Distribution, and Community Composition in Different Forest Types in Papua New Guinea. Case Studies in the Environment 7: article number: 1836576.
DOI: 10.1525/cse.2023.1836576
Janíková E., Lepš J. (2023) Methods of species pool determination as predictors of survival in seeding and transplanting experiment. Functional Ecology 37: 1870-1883.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14357
Jimbo T., Saluei S., Moses J., Lawong B., Kaina G., Kiapranis R., Hitofumi A., Novotný V., Attoree F., Testolin R., Cicuzza D. (2023) Beyond the Trees: A Comparison of Nonwoody Species, and Their Ecology, in Papua New Guinea Elevational Gradient Forest. Case Studies in the Environment 7: article number: 1831407.
DOI: 10.1525/cse.2023.1831407
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