Celkem nalezeno: 652 záznamů |
Konvička M., Leština D., Kepka P., Spitzer L., Jungová R., Zima J. (2012) Proměny podhorské krajiny a motýli o přirozeně nízkých densitách: populační genetika perleťovců rodu Argynnis v Karpatech. Zoologické dny Olomouc 2012 |
Lanta V., Doležal J., Zemková L.,
Lepš J. (2012) Communities of different plant diversity respond similarly to drought stress: experimental evidence from field non-weeded and greenhouse conditions. Naturwissenschaften
99: 473-482.
DOI: 10.1007/s00114-012-0922-4 |
Laurance W.,
Novotný V. (2012) Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas. Nature
489: 290-294.
DOI: 10.1038/nature11318 |
Leština D., Konvička M., Zima J., Jungová R., Zimmermann K., Beneš J., Tropek R., Fric Z., Kepka P., Spitzer L. (2012) Studying endangered species occurring in low population densities: Argynnis butterflies in Czech Carpathians. Future of Butterflies in Europe III, Wageningen, NL |
Novotný V., Miller S.,
Hrček J., Baje L., Basset Y., Lewis O., Stewart A., Weiblen G. (2012) Insects on plants: explaining the paradox of low diversity within specialist herbivore guilds. American Naturalist
179: 351-362.
DOI: 10.1086/664082 |
Novotný V., Weiblen G., Miller S., Basset Y. (2012) The role of paraecologists in twenty-first-century century tropical forest research. Pp. 154-157. In: Lowman M. D., Schowalter T. D., Franklin J. F. (eds): Methods in Forest Canopy Research, University of California Press, Berkeley, 240 pp. |
Sam K., Novotný V. (2012) O ekologii ptáků podél úplného výškového gradientu na Papui Nové-Guineji. Zoologicke dny |
Sam K., Novotný V. (2012) Volně a skrytě žijící housenky, která strategie se vyplatí v různých prostředích tropického lesa Papuy Nové-Guiney. Zoologicke dny |
Sam K., Novotný V. (2012) Why are the insectivores different: trends in diversity and abundance of feeding guilds in birds along a complete altitudinal ranforest gradient in Papua New Guinea. British Ecological Society |
Spitzer L., Leština D., Zima J., Jungová R., Zimmermann K., Beneš J., Tropek R., Fric Z., Kepka P., Konvička M. (2012) Endangered Species Living in Low Population Densities: Argynnis Butterflies in Czech Carpathians 9th European Dry Grassland Meeting, Prespa, Greece |
Tvardíková K.,
Novotný V. (2012) Predation on exposed and leaf-rolling artificial caterpillars in tropical forests of Papua New Guinea. Journal of Tropical Ecology
28: 331-341.
DOI: 10.1017/S0266467412000235 |
Whitfeld T.,
Novotný V., Miller S.,
Hrček J.,
Klimeš P., Weiblen G. (2012) Predicting tropical insect herbivore abundance from host plant traits and phylogeny. Ecology
93: S211-S223.
DOI: 10.1890/11-0503.1 |
Basset Y., Eastwood R.,
Sam L., Lohman D.,
Novotný V., Treuer T., Miller S., Weiblen G., Pierce N., Bunyavejchewin S., Sakchoowong W., Kongnoo P., Osorio-Arenas M. (2011) Comparison of rainforest butterfly assemblages across three biogeographical regions using standardized protocols. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera
44: 17-28.
Bito D.,
Novotný V., Burwell C., Nakamura A., Kitching R., Odegaard F. (2011) Predator pressure, herbivore abundance and plant damage along a subtropical altitudinal gradient Memoirs of the Queensland Museum – Nature
55: 451-461.
De Bello F., Lavorel S., Albert C., Thuiller W., Grigulis K., Doležal J., Janeček Š.,
Lepš J. (2011) Quantifying the relevance of intraspecific trait variability for functional diversity. Methods in Ecology & Evolution
2: 163–174.
DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00071.x |
Doležal J., Mašková Z.,
Lepš J., Steinbachová D., De Bello F., Klimešová J., Tackenberg O., Zemek F., Květ J. (2011) Positive long-term effect of mulching on species and functional trait diversity in a nutrient-poor mountain meadow in Central Europe Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment
145: 10-28.
DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2011.01.010 |
Fibich P.,
Lepš J. (2011) Do biodiversity indices behave as expected from traits of constituent species in simulated scenarios? Ecological Modelling
222: 2049-2058.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel011.04.013 |
Klečka J.,
Boukal D. (2011) Lazy ecologist's guide to water beetle diversity: Which sampling methods are the best? Ecological Indicators
11: 500-508.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.07.005 |
Klimeš P.,
Janda M., Ibalim S., Kua J.,
Novotný V. (2011) Experimental suppression of ants foraging on rainforest vegetation in New Guinea: testing methods for a whole-forest manipulation of insect communities Ecological Entomology
36: 94–103.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2010.01250.x |
Koutecká E.,
Lepš J. (2011) Performance of three closely related Myosotis species in an experiment in which substrate quality and competition were manipulated Preslia
83: 403-420.