
Celkem nalezeno: 195 záznamů
Mertens J., Janeček Š., Dzekashu F., Chmelová E., Fokam E., Tropek R. (2020) Changes in pollinator community of Scadoxus cinnabarinus (Amaryllidaceae) along its elevational range on Mount Cameroon Arthropod-Plant Interactions 14: 215-226.
DOI: 10.1007/s11829-020-09741-0
Mottl O., Fibich P., Klimeš P., Volf M., Tropek R., Anderson-Teixeira K., Auga J., Blair T., Butterill P. T., Carscallen G., Gonzalez-Akre E., Goodman A., Kaman O., Lamarre G., Libra M., Losada M.E., Manumbor M., Miller S., Molem K., Nichols G., Plowman N., Redmond C. M., Seifert C. L., Vrána J., Weiblen G., Novotný V. (2020) Spatial covariance of herbivorous and predatory guilds of forest canopy arthropods along a latitudinal gradient. Ecology Letters 23: 1499–1510.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13579
Pyšek P., Hejda M., Čuda J., Zambatis G., Pyšková K., MacFadyen S., Storch D., Tropek R., Foxcroft L.C. (2020) Into the great wide open: do alien plants spread from rivers to dry savanna in the Kruger National Park? NeoBiota 60: 61-77.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.60.54608
Ustjuzhanin P., Kovtunovich V., Maicher V., Sáfián S., Delabye S., Streltzov A., Tropek R. (2020) Even hotter hotspot: description of seven new species of many-plumed moths (Lepidoptera, Alucitidae) from Mount Cameroon. ZooKeys issue 935: 103-119.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.935.49843
Boukal D., Bideault A., Carreira B., Sentis A. (2019) Species interactions under climate change: connecting kinetic effects of temperature on individuals to community dynamics. Current Opinion in Insect Science 35: 88-95.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2019.06.014
Delabye S., Rougerie R., Bayendi S., Andeime-Eyene M., Zakharov E.V., deWaard J.R., Hebert P., Kamgang R., Le Gall P., Lopez-Vaamonde C., Mavoungou J.F., Moussavou G., Moulin N., Oslisly R., Rahola N., Sebag D., Decaëns T. (2019) Characterization and comparison of poorly known moth communities through DNA barcoding in two Afrotropical environments in Gabon. Genome 62: 96-107.
DOI: 10.1139/gen-2018-0063
Faltýnek Fric Z., Marešová J., Kadlec T., Tropek R., Pyrcz T., Wiemers M. (2019) World travellers – Phylogeny and biogeography of the butterfly genus Leptotes (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Systematic Entomology 44: 652-665.
DOI: 10.1111/syen.12349
Hejníčková M., Koutecký P., Potocký P., Provazníková I., Voleníková A., Dalíková M., Visser S., Marec F., Zrzavá M. (2019) Absence of W chromosome in Psychidae moths and implications for the theory of sex chromosome evolution in Lepidoptera. Genes 10: 1016.
DOI: 10.3390/genes10121016
Klomberg Y., Kouede R.D., Mertens J., Bartoš M., Tropek R., Fokam E., Janeček Š. (2019) The role of ultraviolet reflectance and pattern in the pollination system of Hypoxis camerooniana (Hypoxidaceae). AoB Plants 11: plz057.
DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plz057
Musilova Z., Tropek R. (2019) Ryby afrických kráterových jezer. Přírodově 8(2): 20-21.

Dokumenty ke stažení:
Musilová, Tropek: Ryby afrických kráterových jezer (pdf)
Przybylowicz L., Maicher V., László Gy.M., Sáfián S., Tropek R. (2019) Amerila (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) of Cameroon with morphological remarks on male and female genitalia. Zootaxa 4674: 283-295.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4674.2.8
Sáfián S., Belcastro C., Tropek R. (2019) Two new species in the genus Andronymus Holland, 1896 (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). Zootaxa 4624: 108-120.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4624.1.7
Sáfián S., Collins S., Belcastro C., Brattström O., Tropek R. (2019) Description of previously unknown females of three Euriphene Boisduval, 1847 species and the unknown male of Bebearia inepta Hecq, 2001 from Western Africa, with notes on their taxonomy, bionomy and distribution (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae). SHILAP – Revista de Lepidopterología 47: 581-591.
Tropek R. (2019) Největší ekologičtí inženýři. Přírodově 8(2): 14-15.

Dokumenty ke stažení:
Tropek: Největší ekologičtí inženýři (pdf)
Tropek R. (2019) Hilltopping, vrcholové hmyzí seznamky. Vesmír 98: 496-499.
Vodičková V., Vrba P., Grill S., Bartoňová A., Kollross J., Potocký P., Konvička M. (2019) Will refaunation by feral horse affect five checkerspot butterfly species (Melitaea Fabricius, 1807) coexisting at xeric grasslands of Podyji National Park, Czech Republic? Journal for Nature Conservation 52: article number: 125755.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2019.125755
Volf M., Klimeš P., Lamarre G., Redmond C. M., Seifert C. L., Abe T., Auga J., Anderson-Teixeira K., Basset Y. F., Beckett S., Butterill P. T., Drozd P., Gonzalez-Akre E., Kaman O., Kamata N., Laird-Hopkins B., Libra M., Manumbor M., Miller S., Molem K., Mottl O., Murakami M., Nakaji T., Plowman N., Pyszko P., Šigut M., Šipoš J., Tropek R., Weiblen G., Novotný V. (2019) Quantitative assessment of plant-arthropod interactions in forest canopies: A plot-based approach. PLOS One 14: e0222119.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222119
Ferenc M., Sedláček O., Tropek R., Albrecht T., Altman J., Dančák M., Doležal J., Janeček Š., Maicher V., Majeský L., Motombi F.N., Murkwe M., Sáfián S., Svoboda M., Hořák D. (2018) Something is missing at the bottom: Importance of coastal rainforests for conservation of trees, birds and butterflies in the Mount Cameroon area. African Journal of Ecology 56: 679-683.
DOI: 10.1111/aje.12506
Maicher V., Sáfián S., Murkwe M., Przybylowicz L., Janeček Š., Fokam E., Pyrcz T., Tropek R. (2018) Flying between raindrops: Strong seasonal turnover of several Lepidoptera groups in lowland rainforests of Mount Cameroon. Ecology and Evolution 8: 12761-12772.
Mertens J., Tropek R., Dzekashu F., Maicher V., Fokam E., Janeček Š. (2018) Communities of flower visitors of Uvariopsis dioica (Annonaceae) in lowland forests of Mt. Cameroon, with notes on its potential pollinators. African Journal of Ecology 56: 146-152.
DOI: 10.1111/aje.12429


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