Celkem nalezeno: 195 záznamů |
Beneš J.,
Čížek O., Dovala J.,
Konvička M. (2006) Intensive game keeping, coppicing and butterflies: The story of Milovicky Wood, Czech Republic. Forest Ecology and Management
237: 353–365.
Dolek M., Freese-Hager A.,
Čížek O., Gros P. (2006) Mortality of early instars in the highly endangered butterfly Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nymphalidae). Nota Lepidopterologica.
29: 221—224.
Freese A.,
Beneš J., Bolz R.,
Čížek O., Dolek M., Geyer A., Gros P.,
Konvička M., Liegl A., Stettmer C. (2006) Habitat use of the endangered butterfly Euphydryas maturna and forestry in Central Europe. Anim. Conserv.
9: 388–397.
Konvička M.,
Beneš J.,
Čížek O.,
Fric Z., Hůla V. (2006) Záchranné programy pro denní motýly: novinky z roku 2005 Sborník příspěvků ze semináře ‘Budou žít s námi’?, 3.-4. 11. 2005 (eds. P. Nová, T. Petrusková, J. Uhlíková)
Čížek O., Konvička M. (2005) For whom the bells toll: Pending extinction of Euphydryas maturna (L., 1758) in the Czech Republic. Butterfly Conservation 5th International Symposium, Southompton University 8th-10th April 2005. p.49 |
Čížek O.,
Konvička M. (2005) What is a patch in a dynamic metapopulation? Mobility of an endangered woodland butterfly, Euphydryas maturna. Ecography
28: 791-800.
Konvička M.,
Beneš J.,
Čížek O. (2005) Too many deer in an abandoned coppice - the story Milovicky wood, once the richest site in the Czech Republic. Butterfly Conservation 5th International Symposium, Southampton University 8th-10th April 2005.
Konvička M.,
Čížek O., Filipová L.,
Fric Z.,
Beneš J., Krupka M., Zámečník J., Dočkalová Z. (2005) For whom the bells toll: Demography of the last population of the butterfly Euphydryas maturna in the Czech Republic. Biologia
60: 551-557.
Konvička M., Fric Z., Beneš J., Čížek O., Zámečník J. (2005) Descend towards unimodality: butterfly loss in Czechia changes a major macroecological pattern. In: Kühn E., Feldmann R., Thomas J.A. & Settele J. [Eds.]: Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 1: General Concepts and Case Pensoft, Sofia |
Schmitt T.,
Čížek O.,
Konvička M. (2005) Genetics of a butterfly relocation: large, small and introduced populations of the mountain endemic Erebia epiphron silesiana. Biol. Conserv.
123: 11-18.
Čížek O., Bakešová A., Vaněk J. (2004) Mountain ringlet Erebia epiphron in the Krkonoše Mts. - six decades of an introduced butterfly population. Acta Musei Reginehradecensis s. A.
30: 79-82.
Čížek O., Bakešová A., Vaněk J. (2004) Mountain Ringlet Erebia epiphron in the Krkonose Mts. - six decades of an introduced butterfly population. Acta Musei Reginehradecensis.
30: 79-82.
Konvička M.,
Beneš J.,
Fric Z.,
Čížek O. (2004) Natura 2000 a denní motýli. Ochrana přírody
59: 179-183.
Čížek O., Bakešová A., Kuras T.,
Beneš J.,
Konvička M. (2003) Vacant niche in alpine habitat: the case of an introduced population of the butterfly Erebia epiphron in the Krkonoše Mountains. Acta Oecologica
24: 15-23.
Kuras T.,
Konvička M.,
Beneš J.,
Čížek O. (2001) Erebia sudetica and Erebia epiphron (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) in the Czech Republic: Review of present and past distribution, conservation implications. Čas. Slez. Muz. Opava (A)
50: 57-81..