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Celkem nalezeno: 287 záznamů
Gray C., Simmons B., Fayle T. M., Mann D., Slade E. (2016) Are riparian forest reserves sources of invertebrate biodiversity spillover and associated ecosystem functions in oil palm landscapes? Biological Conservation 194: 176-183.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.12.017
Houadria M. Y. I., Blüthgen N., Salas-Lopez A., Schmitt M.-I., Arndt J., Schneider E., Orivel J., Menzel F. (2016) The relation between circadian asynchrony, functional redundancy, and trophic performance in tropical ant communities. Ecology 97: 225-235.
DOI: 10.1890/14-2466.1
Jacquemin J., Debakker D., Klimeš P., Maraun M., Roisin Y., Leponce M. (2016) Trophic ecology of ants and spiders along a wide elevational gradient in Papua New Guinea revealed by stable isotopes. O45-12-S45. 53rd ATBC Annual Meeting, Montpellier - France, Program & Abstracts 226.
Janda M., Matos Maravi P. F., Borovanská M., Zima J., Youngerman E., Pierce N. (2016) Phylogeny and population genetic structure of ant genus Acropyga (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Papua New Guinea. Invertebrate Systematics 30 (1): 28-40.
Klečková I., Konvička M., Beneš J., Šlancarová J. (2016) Rozdílné cykly početností okáče rudopásného (Erebia euryale) v horách České republiky. Živa 1: 38-39.
Klimeš P. (2016) Nezvaní mravenčí hosté: od domácích druhů k invazím z tropů. Živa 4/2016: 192-194.

Dokumenty ke stažení:
Klimeš Živa 2016 (pdf)
Klimeš P. (2016) Diversity and specificity of ant-plant interactions in canopy communities of a primary and secondary tropical rainforest. XXV International Congress of Entomology, Orlando, Florida, USA, September 25-30.
Klimeš P., Husník F., Tollarová-Borovanská M., Gullan Penny J. (2016) Contrasting tri-trophic food webs between primary and secondary forest: role of species ecology and phylogeny. O33-03-S33. 53rd ATBC Annual Meeting, Montpellier - France, Program & Abstracts 220.
Krell F., Klimeš P., Rocha L., Fikáček M., Miller S. (2016) Preserve specimens for reproducibility. Nature 539: 168.
DOI: 10.1038/539168b

Dokumenty ke stažení:
Krell et al. 2016 (pdf)
Larabee F., Matos Maravi P. F., Janda M., Fisher B., Schmidt C., Suarez A. (2016) Molecular phylogenetics and diversification of trap-jaw ants in the genera Anochetus and Odontomachus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 103: 143-154.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.07.024
Leponce M., Novotný V., Pascal O., Robillard T., Legendre F., Villemant C., Munzinger J., Molino J., Drew R., Ødegaard F., Schmidl J., Tishechkin A. K., Sam K., Bickel D., Dahl C., Damas K., Fayle T. M., Gewa B., Jacquemin J., Keltim M., Klimeš P., Koane B., Kua J., Mantilleri A., Mogia M., Molem K., Moses J., Nowatuo H., Orivel J., Pintaud J., Roisin Y., Sam L., Siki B., Soldati L., Soulier-Perkins A., Tulai S., Yombai J., Wardhaugh C. W., Basset Y. F. (2016) Land module of Our Planet Reviewed - Papua New Guinea: aims, methods and first taxonomical results. Robillard T., Legendre F., Villemant C. & Leponce M. (eds), Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea, Mémories du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, vol. 209, Paris, ISBN:978-2-85653-784-8 11-48.
Májeková M., Paal T., Plowman N., Bryndová M., Kasari L., Norberg A., Weiss M., Bishop T., Luke S., Sam K., Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y., Lepš J., Götzenberger L., d. (2016) Evaluating functional diversity: Missing trait data and the importance of species abundance structure and data transformation. PLoS ONE 11: e0149270.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149270
Mottl O., Plowman N., Novotný V., Klimeš P. (2016) Ants and succession in tropical mountain forest: Its low effect on arboreal ant communities in New Guinea Highlands. European Conference of Tropical Ecology and Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology", 23.-26. února 2016, Göttingen, Německo
Padyšáková E., Janeček Š. (2016) Sunbird hovering behavior is determined by both the forager and resource plant. Biotropica 48: 687-693.
DOI: 10.1111/btp.12345
Šlancarová J., Bartoňová A., Zapletal M., Kotilínek M., Faltýnek Fric Z., Micevski N., Kati V., Konvička M. (2016) Life history traits reflect changes in mediterranean butterfly communities due to forest encroachment. PLoS ONE 11: e0152026.
Zima J., Lebrasseur O., Borovanská M., Janda M. (2016) Identification of microsatellite markers for a worldwide distibuted, highly invasive ant species Tapinoma melanocephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidiae). European Journal of Entomology 113: 409-414.
DOI: 10.14411/eje.2016.053
Bartoňová A., Fric Z., Sucháček P., Kolář V., Marešová J., Šlancarová J., Zapletal M., Šašić M., Konvička M. (2015) Proterebia afra – Relic of the glacial steppe in the Balkans? In: Programme from XIXth European Congress of Lepidopterology, September 24-October 2, 2015, Senckenberg, Museum of Zoology Dresden, p. 83 – oral presentations.
Bartoš M., Tropek R., Spitzer L., Padyšáková E., Janšta P., Straka J., Tkoč M., Janeček Š. (2015) Specialization of pollination systems of two co-flowering phenotypically generalized Hypericum species (Hypericaceae) in Cameroon. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 9: 241-252.
Clouse R., Janda M., Blanchard B., Sharma P., Hoffmann B., Andersen A., Czekanski-Moir J., Krushelnycky P., Rabeling C., Wilson E., Economo E., Sarnat E., General D., Wheeler W. (2015) Molecular phylogeny of Indo-Pacific carpenter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Camponotus) reveals waves of dispersal and colonization from diverse source areas. Cladistics 31: 424–437.
DOI: 10.1111/cla.12099
Economo E., Sarnat E., Janda M., Clouse R., Klimov P., Fischer G., Blanchard B., Ramirez L., Andersen A., Berman M., Guénard B., Lucky A., Rabeling C., Wilson E., Knowles L. (2015) Breaking out of biogeographic modules: range expansion and taxon cycles in the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole. Journal of Biogeography 42: 2289-2301.
DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12592
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