Celkem nalezeno: 289 záznamů |
Šlancarová J., Garcia-Pereira P.,
Fric Z., Romo H., Garcia-Barros E. (2015) Butterflies in Portuguese ´montados´: relationships between climate, land use and life-history traits. Journal of Insect Conservation
19: 823-836.
DOI: 10.1007/s10841-015-9801-6 |
Šlancarová J.,
Vrba P.,
Plátek M.,
Zapletal M.,
Spitzer L.,
Konvička M. (2015) Co-occurrence of three Aristolochia-feeding Papilionids (Archon apollinus, Zerynthia polyxena and Zerynthia cerisy) in Greek Thrace. Journal of Natural History
49: 1825-1848.
DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1006281 |
Tropek R.,
Leština D., Janšta P., Brattström O., Espeland M., Sáfián S. (2015) First records of Hypolycaena anara Larsen, 1986 from Cameroon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología
43: 235-239.
Fayle T.,
Plowman N., Hood A.,
Klimeš P., Redmond C.,
Novotný V. (2014) How do terrestrial ant-plant symbiotic networks change with altitude? 17th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), Cairns, Australia, 13 - 18 July 2014: Talk OR202
Hudson L.,
Fayle T. M. (2014) The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution
4: 4701-4735.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1303 |
Klimeš P., McArthur A. (2014) Diversity and ecology of arboricolous ant communities of Camponotus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a New Guinea rainforest with descriptions of four new species. Myrmecological News
20: 141-158.
Klimeš P., Templer P., Janda M. (2014) Trophic ecology of canopy ant communities in a primary and secondary rainforest. The 51st Anniversary Meeting for ATBC in Cairns, Australia. |
Konopik O., Gray C., Grafe T., Steffan-Dewenter I.,
Fayle T. M. (2014) From rainforest to oil palm plantations: Shifts in predator population and prey communities, but resistant interactions. Global Ecology and Conservation
2: 385-394.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2014.10.011 |
Leponce M., Delabie J.,
Klimeš P., Delsinne T., Jacquemin J., Dejean J. (2014) Ant mosaics in primary rainforests across four continents. 17th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), Cairns, Australia, 13-18 July 2014: Talk OR 199
Leponce M., Klimeš P. (2014) Arboreal ant mosaics meltdown with elevation. The 51st Anniversary Meeting for ATBC in Cairns, Australia. |
Leština D., Konvička M., Zima J., Spitzer L. (2014) Survivors from a Genetic Point of View – Retreat of a Continuous Population of Argynnis niobe has Left Castaways on Habitat Islands. Butterfly Conservation 7th International Symposium, Southampton, England |
Leština D., Salz A., Fartmann T., Konvička M. (2014) Motýl podhorských pastvin přežívající na toxických půdách v industriální krajině – genetický pohled. Zoologické dny, Ostrava |
Luke S.,
Fayle T. M., Eggleton P., Turner E., Davies R. (2014) Functional structure of ant and termite assemblages in old growth forest, logged forest and oil palm plantation in Malaysian Borneo. Biodiversity Conservation
23: 2817–2832.
DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0750-2 |
Miller J., Schilthuizen M., Burmester J., Van Der Graaf L., Merckx V., Jocqué M., Kessler P.,
Fayle T. M., Breeschoten T., Broeren R., Bouman R., Chua W., Feijen F., Fermont T., Groen K., Groen M., Kil N., De Laat H., Moerland M. (2014) Dispatch from the field: ecology of ground-web-building spiders with description of a new species (Araneae, Symphytognathidae). Biodiversity Data Journal
2: e1076.
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1076 |
Plowman N., Parr K.,
Novotný V.,
Klimeš P. (2014) Exploring functional diversity of arboreal ants in New Guinea rainforests. Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), Cairns, Australia, 13-18 July 2014: Talk OR64
Šálek M., Červinka J.,
Padyšáková E., Kreisinger J. (2014) Does spatial co-occurrence of carnivores in a Central European agricultural landscape follow the null model? European Journal of Wildlife Research
60: 99-107.
Šlancarová J.,
Beneš J., Kristynek M.,
Kepka P.,
Konvička M. (2014) Does the surrounding landscape heterogeneity affect the butterflies of insular grassland reserves? A contrast between composition and configuration. Journal of Insect Conservation
18: 1-12.
DOI: 10.1007/s10841-013-9607-3 |
Yusah K.,
Fayle T. M. (2014) The first record of a fly of the family Milichiidae (Diptera) interacting with an ant of the genus Polyrhachis Smith, 1857 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Biodiversity Data Journal
2: e4168.
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e4168 |
Zima J.,
Leština D., Janšta P., Petrů V.,
Tropek R. (2014) Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite markers for Mylothris jacksoni knutsoni (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), an endemic butterfly of the Gulf of Guinea Highlands. Conservation Genetics Resources
6: 763-764.
DOI: 10.1007/s12686-014-0209-5 |
Červinka J., Šálek M.,
Padyšáková E., Šmilauer P. (2013) The effects of local and landscape-scale habitat characteristics and prey availability on corridor use by carnivores: a comparison of two contrasting farmlands Journal for Nature Conservation
21: 105-113.