Celkem nalezeno: 447 záznamů |
Sucháčková Bartoňová A.,
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Sucháčková Bartoňová A.,
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Marešová J., Kolev Z., Wahlberg N.,
Faltýnek Fric Z. (2020) Recently lost connectivity in the Western Palaearctic steppes: the case of a scarse specialist butterfly. Conservation Genetics
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DOI: 10.1007/s10592-020-01271-9 |
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Bartoňová A.,
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DOI: 10.1080/09397140.2019.1632541 |
Fernando E., Jangid A.K., Chowdhury S.,
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Fernando E., Jangid A.K., Chowdhury S.,
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Fernando E., Jangid A.K.,
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Fernando E., Jangid A.K., Irungbam J. S., Kehimar I., Kunte K., Lo P. (2019) Bhutanitis lidderdali. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: DOI: e.T121975380A122602321 |
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437 pp..
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Irungbam J. S., Norbu L. (2019) NOTE: A new country record of Langia zenzeroides zenzeroides Moore, 1872 (Sphingidae: Smerinthinae) from Bhutan. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (JBNHS)
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Laghude R., Khobragade B., Irungbam J. S. (2019) Species diversity of butterflies in moderately disturbed forests and along forest edges – A case study of Karjat, dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 40: DOI: 214-221 |
Marešová J., Habel J., Néve G., Sielezniew M.,
Bartoňová A., Kostro-Ambroziak A.,
Faltýnek Fric Z. (2019) Cross-continental phylogeography of two Holarctic Nymphalid butterflies, Boloria eunomia and Boloria selene. PLoS ONE
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DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214483 |
Rindoš M.,
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Rushbrooke M., Jangid A.K., Alwis C., Barve V., Chowdhury S.,
Irungbam J. S., Jayasinghe H.D., Kehimar I., Khanai B., Kunte K., Lo P., Moonen J., Rajapakshe S.S., Shrestha B.R., Tiple A.D. (2019) Pachliopta aristolochiae. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
2019: e.T121971639A122602131.