Celkem nalezeno: 339 záznamů |
Çimen H.,
Půža V.,
Nermuť J., Hatting J., Ramakuwela T., Faktorová L., Hazir S. (2016) Steinernema beitlechemi n. sp., a new entomopathogenic nematode (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) from South Africa. Nematology
18: 439-453.
DOI: 10.1163/15685411-00002968 |
Çimen H.,
Půža V.,
Nermuť J., Hatting J., Ramakuwela T., Hazir S. (2016) Steinernema biddulphi n. sp., a New Entomopathogenic Nematode (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) from South Africa. Journal of Nematology
48: 148-158.
Grucmanová Š., Holuša J., Čermák V.,
Nermuť J. (2016) Nematodes associated with Ips cembrae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): comparison of generations, sexes and sampling methods. Journal of Applied Entomology
140: 395-403.
DOI: 10.1111/jen.12269 |
Herrero Asensio N. (2016) A novel monopartite dsRNA virus isolated from the entomopathogenic and nematophagous fungus Purpureocillium lilacinum. Archives of Virology
161: 3375-3384.
DOI: 10.1007/s00705-016-3045-y |
Hussein H. M.,
Skoková Habuštová O.,
Půža V.,
Zemek R. (2016) Laboratory evaluation of Isaria fumosorosea CCM 8367 and Steinernema feltiae Ustinov against immature stages of the Colorado potato beetle. PLoS ONE
11: e0152399.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152399 |
Jarošová A.,
Půža V.,
Žurovcová M. (2016) The complete mitochondrial genome of the facultative entomopathogenic nematode Oscheius chongmingensis (Rhabditida: Rhabditidae). Mitochondrial DNA
27: 3109-3110.
DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1007288 |
Konopická J., Bohatá Andrea, Vondruška J., Kročáková J., Olšan Pavel, Havelka Zbyněk, Bartos P., Kríž P., Čurn Vladislav, Špatenka P. (2016) Navýšení účinnosti entomopatogenní houby Metarhizium anisopliae na vybrané druhy hostitelů. Úroda
64: 245-248.
Morales N. , Morales P.,
Půža V., San-Blas E. (2016) First Report of Heterorhabditis amazonensis from Venezuela and Characterization of Three Populations. Journal of Nematology
48: 139-147.
Mráček Z.,
Půža V.,
Nermuť J. (2016) The significance of the tail projections in female entomopathogenic nematodes within the family Steinernematidae. Journal of Helminthology
90: 249-251.
Nermuť J.,
Půža V. (2016) Parazitické hlístice plžů. Živa
Nermuť J.,
Půža V., Mekete T.,
Mráček Z. (2016) Phasmarhabditis bonaquaense n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabditidae), a new slug-parasitic nematode from the Czech Republic. Zootaxa
4179(3): 530-546.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4179.3.8 |
Nermuť J.,
Půža V.,
Mráček Z. (2016) Neoalloionema indicum n. sp. (Nematoda: Alloionematidae), a new alloionematid from India. Nematology
18: 949-962.
DOI: 10.1163/15685411-00003007 |
Nermuť J.,
Půža V.,
Mráček Z. (2016) Phasmarhabditis apuliae n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabditidae), a new rhabditid nematode from milacid slugs. Nematology
18: 1095-1112.
DOI: 10.1163/15685411-00003017 |
Nermuť J.,
Půža V.,
Mráček Z., Lewis E. (2016) Alloionema californicum n. sp. (Nematoda: Alloionematidae): a new alloionematid from USA. Zootaxa
4184(3): 505-516.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4184.3.5 |
Perazzolli M.,
Herrero Asensio N., Sterck L., Lenzi L., Pellegrini A., Puopolo G., Van der P., Pertot I. (2016) Transcriptomic responses of a simplified soil microcosm to a plant pathogen and its biocontrol agent reveal a complex reaction to harsh habitat. BMC Genomics
17: article no. 838.
Půža V., Faktorová L.,
Nermuť J.,
Žurovcová M.,
Mráček Z. (2016) Recent advances in our understanding of the diversity and co-evolution of entomopathogenic nematode-bacteria complexes. 32nd symposium of European Society of Nematologists, Braga, Portugal, 28th Aug. - 1st Sept. 2016.
p. 75.
Půža V.,
Mráček Z.,
Nermuť J. (2016) Novelties in Pest Control by Entomopathogenic and Mollusc- Parasitic Nematodes. In: Dr. Harsimran Gill (Ed.), Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Environmentally Sound Pest Management. InTech.
DOI: 10.5772/64578 |
San-Blas E., Morales-Montero P., Portillo E.,
Nermuť J.,
Půža V. (2016) Steinernema goweni n. sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), a new entomopathogenic nematode from Zulia State, Venezuela. Zootaxa
4067: 200-214.
Zemek R.,
Půža V.,
Skoková Habuštová O. (2016) Využití mikroskopických hub a parazitických hlístic k hubení mandelinky bramborové. Akademický bulletin
Campos-Herrera R., Jaffuel G., Chiriboga X., Blanco-Pérez R., Fesselet M.,
Půža V., Mascher F., Turlings T. (2015) Traditional and molecular detection methods reveal intense interguild competition and other multitrophic interactions associated with native entomopathogenic nematodes in Swiss tillage soils Plant and Soil
389: 237-255.