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Celkem nalezeno: 339 záznamů
Bohatá A., Tichá E., Konopická J., Strejčková M., Olšan P., Havelka Z., Kříž P., Bartoš P., Čurn V., Špatenka P. (2017) Vliv biologického ošetření osiva ječmene na klíčení obilek a mortalitu larev Tenebrio molitor po vysetí osiva do substrátu. Úroda 65: 283-286.
Čermáková V., Eichmeier A., Botella L., Herrero Asensio N. (2017) HfMV1 and another putative mycovirus in Central European populations of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, the causal agent of ash dieback in Europe. Baltic Forestry 23: 107-115.
Havelka Z., Olšan P., Strejčková M., Bohatá A., Kříž P., Bartoš P., Čurn V., Špatenka P., Konopická J. (2017) Vliv plazmatu na klíčivost modelové houby Trichoderma virens. Úroda 65: 291-294.
Herrero Asensio N. (2017) Identification and sequence determination of a new chrysovirus infecting the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria javanica. Archives of Virology 162: 1113-1117.
Konopická J., Bohatá A., Zemek R., Čurn V. (2017) The effects of natural substrates and artificial media on the production of conidiospores and blastospores of entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea, strain CCM 8367. Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests. 16th Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS Working Group, Tbilisi, Georgia, June 11-15, Programme and Abstract Book. 69.
Konopická J., Bohatá A., Zemek R., Čurn V. (2017) The effects of natural substrates and artificial media on the production of conidiospores and blastospores of entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea, strain CCM 8367 Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 129: 58-64.
Konopická J., Zemek R., Bohatá A., Nermuť J., Mráček Z., Palevsky E., Čurn V. (2017) Možné využití entomopatogenních hub proti roztoči Rhizoglyphus robini (Acari: Acaridae). Úroda 65: 73-80.
Nermuť J., Holovachov O., Tandigan de Ley, I., Půža V. (2017) Alloionema californicum Nermuť, Půža, Mráček & Lewis, 2016 is a junior synonym of Alloionema similis Holovachov, Boström, Tandingan De Ley, Mc Donnell, Alvarado, Paine & De Ley, 2016 (Nematoda: Alloionematidae). Zootaxa 4324 (2): 378-384.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4324.2.10
Nermuť J., Půža V. (2017) Slug Parasitic Nematodes: Biology, Parasitism, Production and Application. Biocontrol Agents: Entomopathogenic and Slug Parasitic Nematodes. M. M. M. Abd-Elgawad, T. H. Askary and J. Coupland (Eds). Wallingford, UK Boston, USA, CABI. 533-547.
Nermuť J., Půža V., Mekete T., Mráček Z. (2017) Phasmarhabditis bohemica n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabditidae), a slug-parasitic nematode from the Czech Republic. Nematology 19: 93-107.
DOI: 10.1163/15685411-00003034
Nermuť J., Půža V., Mráček Z. (2017) Diversity of mollusc-parasitic nematodes of the genus Phasmarhabditis. How to identify them? Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 129: 134-138.
Nermuť J., Půža V., Zemek R., Mráček Z. (2017) The assessment of the effect of entomopathogenic nematodes on bulb mites, pests of garlic and onion. 16th Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS Working Group - Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests, Tbilisi, Georgia, June 11-15. 89.
Nermuť J., Půža V., Zemek R., Mráček Z. (2017) The assessment of the effect of entomopathogenic nematodes on bulb mites, pests of garlic and onion. Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 129: 130-133.

Dokumenty ke stažení:
The assessment of the effect of entomopathogenic nematodes on bulb mites, pests of garlic and onion. (pdf)
Nermuť J., Zemek R., Mráček Z., Půža V. (2017) Entomopathogenic nematodes as natural enemies for control of Rhizoglyphus robini Claparede (Acari: Astigmata). IOBC meeting of the working group Integrated control of plant-feeding mites, Chania, Greece. 17.
Půža V., Nermuť J., Mráček Z., Gengler S., Haukeland S. (2017) Steinernema pwaniensis n. sp., a new entomopathogenic nematode (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) from Tanzania. Journal of Helminthology 91: 20-34.
DOI: 10.1017/S0022149X15001157
Yakovlev Y., Nermuť J., Půža V., Kharchenko V., Mráček Z. (2017) New record of Steinernema arenarium (Artyukhovsky) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) from Ukraine and note on its distribution. Acta Parasitologica 62 (2): 255-264.
DOI: 10.1515/ap-2017-0032
Zemek R., Konopická J., Bohatá A., Horňák P., Jináček M. (2017) Výsevní substrát s entomopatogenní houbou Isaria fumosorosea kmene CCM 8367. Funkční vzorek č. FVZ-ENTU-01 1-7.
Zemek R., Konopická J., Půža V., Bohatá A., Hussein H. M., Skoková Habuštová O. (2017) Microbial and nematode control of the Colorado potato beetle. Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests. 16th Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS Working Group, Tbilisi, Georgia, June 11-15, Programme and Abstract Book. 86.
Zemek R., Konopická J., Půža V., Bohatá A., Hussein H. M., Skoková Habuštová O. (2017) Microbial and nematode control of the Colorado potato beetle. Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 129: 157-161.
Zemek R., Prenerová E., Volter L., Awad M. A. E. E., Weyda F., Hussein H. M., Skoková Habuštová O., Půža V. (2017) Non-target impacts of Isaria fumosorosea (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) on natural enemies of arthropod pests. In: Mason P.G., Gillespie D.R. and Vincent C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, Langkawi, Malaysia, September 11-15, 2017 294-297.
DOI: 10.1079/9781786394118.0294
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