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Celkem nalezeno: 381 záznamů
Pavlíček T., Žurovcová M., Starý P. (1997) Geographic population-genetic divergence of the Norway spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus in the Czech Republic. Biologica 52: 273-279.
Stock P., Mráček Z., Webster J. (1997) Morphological variation among six geographic population of Steinernema kraussei (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae). 30th Annual Meeting SIP Abstracts, Banff 1997, Canada 48..
Wegensteiner R., Zimmermann G., Keller B., Mráček Z., Hager H., Schume H. (1997) Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi, bacteria,, and nematodes in forest soils from Austria. In : Microbial Control of Pest, P.H. Smits (ed). IOBC/WPRS Bull., Kopenhagen, 21: 265-268..
Luczkai A., Mráček Z. (1996) Study on the distribution of the entomopathogenic nematode species of Steinernema and Heterorhabditis in Hungary. Med. Fac. Lnadogu Univ. Gent 61: 1007-1009.
Luczkai A., Mráček Z., Sáringer G. (1996) Új rovarpatogén fonálféreg-baktérium komplexek izolálása magyarorszagi talajokból. Magyar Biokémiai Egyesület Molekuláris Biológiai Szakosztálya 1. Munkaértekezlete, Összefoglalók, 149..
Žurovcová M., Eanes W. (1996) Polymorphism and divergence of a Drosophila Y chromosome gene (Dynein). 30th Annual Meeting Population genetics group, Edinburg, p. 30.
Pavlíček T., Žurovcová M., Starý P. (1995) Gene diversity and between-population variability in the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus from Czech Republic. Isozyme Bull. 28: 50.
Kudrna O., Mráček Z. (1994) A new species of the genus Melitaea Fabricius, 1807, from Tibet (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Entomol. Gazette 45: 251-253.
Mráček Z. (1994) Steinernema kraussei (Steiner, 1923)(Nematoda: Rhabditida: Steinernematidae, re-description of its topotype from Westphalen. Folia Parasitol. 41: 59-64.
Mráček Z. (1994) The current view on the taxonomy of the family Steinernematidae. Microbial Control of Pest, 4th European Meeting, Zurich, IOBC wprs Bulletin 17: 127-131..
Mráček Z., Arteaga Hernández E., Boemare N. (1994) Steinernema cubana sp.n. (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) and the preliminary characterization of its associated bacterium. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 64: 123-129.
Mráček Z., Bečvář S., Webster J. (1994) Cold activity of five Steinernematid isolates from British Columbia, Canada. In: Abstracts, XXVIIth Annual Meeting Soc. Invertebr. Pathol., Montpellier (France) 1994. Pp. 9-10.
Sláma K., Weiser J. (1994) Proctolin-antagonistic effects of tolypin (efrapeptin F) on the autonomic nervous system of insects. In: Bořkovec A.B. & Loeb M.J. (eds.) Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology, Mariánské Lázně 1993. CRC Press, Boca Raton (Florida), pp. 237-240.
Mráček Z., Jiskra K., Kahounová L. (1993) Efficiency of steinernematid nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) in controlling larvae of the black vine weevil, Otiorrhynchus sulcatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in laboratory and field experiments. Eur. J. Entomol. 90: 71-76.
Mráček Z., Webster J. (1993) Survey of Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae (Rhabditida, Nematoda) in Western Canada. J. Nematol. 25: 710-717.
Bennettová B., Jegorov A., Kopáček P., Žurovec M., Kopecký J., Landa V., Weiser J., Maťha V. (1992) The use of insects, insect tissues and cells for testing, evaluation and comparative studie of the mode of action of drugs, mycotoxins and other biologically active compounds. In: Bennettová B., Gelbič I. & Soldán T. (eds) Advances in Regulation of Insect Reproduction, Žinkovy 1991. Inst. Entomol., Czech. Acad. Sci., pp. 27-30.
Kahounová L., Mráček Z. (1992) Laboratory and field control of the black vine weevil, Otiorrhychus sulcatus with steinernematid nematodes in Czechoslovakia. Abstract XXVth Ann. Meeting SIP, Heidelberg, Germany 91..
Mráček Z. (1992) Steinernema kraussei (Steiner, 1923) and its role in the taxonomy of the family Steinernematidae (Nematoda: Rhabditida). Abstract XXVth Ann. Meeting SIP, Heidelberg, Germany 91..
Mráček Z., Bednarek A. (1992) Circular structures of J2 and J3 in Heterorhabditidae. Nematologica 38: 386-390.
Mráček Z., Kahounová L. (1992) Laboratory and field control of the black vine weevil, Otiorrhychus sulcatus with steinernematid nematodes in Czechoslovakia. Abstract XXVth Ann. Meeting SIP, Heidelberg, Germany, 91..
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