Celkem nalezeno: 381 záznamů |
Skrzypek H., Kazimierczak W., Kreft A.,
Mráček Z. (2011) Location of the phasmids in first generation males of Steinernema arenarium (Artyukhovsky), S. carpocapsae (Weiser) and S. feltiae (Filipjev). Nematology
13: 365-367.
DOI: 10.1163/138855410X526822 |
Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Hussein H. M., Půža V., Sehnal F. (2011) Two-year field study demonstrates no negative impact of GM maize expressing Cry3Bb1 toxin on non-target arthropods. European PhD Network in " Insect Science„. Tours, France. 7. – 11. 11. 2011. Abstract 114 |
Tamiru T., Hailu T., Waeyenberge L., Ehlers R.,
Půža V.,
Mráček Z. (2011) A new entomopathogenic nematode (Steinernematidae) from Ethiopia IOBC/wprs Bulletin
66: 359-362.
Valadas V.,
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39: 169-178.
Viktorinová I.,
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77: 179-98.
DOI: 10.1002/arch.20433 |
Nermuť J., Chundelová D.,
Žurovcová M., Půža M.,
Mráček Z. (2010) Drawbacks in the DNA based identification of steinernematid nematodes and characterization of Steinernema weiseri ITS sequence. In: Proceedings, 30th International Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists, 19 - 23 September 2010, Vienna, Austria
p. 150.
Nermuť J.,
Mráček Z. (2010) The Influence of Pesticides on the Viability and Infectivity of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae). Russian Journal of Nematology
Nermuť J.,
Půža V. (2010) Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita - life cycle and orientation. In: Hodová I., Koubková B. (eds) Book of Abstracts, 18th Helmintological days, 10 - 14 May 2010, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech republic.
p. 11.
Nermuť J.,
Půža V.,
Mráček Z. (2010) The response of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) and Steinernema feltiae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) to volatile and water soluble cues. In: Program and Abstracts, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, 11 - 15 July 2010, Trabzon, Turkey
p. 100.
Nermuť J.,
Půža V.,
Mráček Z. (2010) The first report on the slug parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) in the Czech Republic. In: Proceedings, 30th International Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists, 19 - 23 September 2010, Vienna, Austria
p. 56.
Půža V.,
Mráček Z. (2010) Does scavenging extend the host range of entomopathogenic nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae)? Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
104: 1-3.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2010.01.002 |
Půža V.,
Mráček Z. (2010) Mechanisms of coexistence of two sympatric entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema affine and S. kraussei (Nematoda: Steinernematidae), in a central European oak woodland soil. Applied Soil Ecology
45: 65-70.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2010.02.002 |
Sehnal F., Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Spitzer L., Hussein H. M., Půža V., Holec M. (2010) Impact of GM maize MON 88017 on the non-target invertebrates. Plant Breeding and Biotechnology in the Great Pannonian Region: Experiences with GMP Field Trials and Combating Climate Change Challenges with Green Biotechnology. 4 – 7 July 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. |
Svobodová Z., Habuštová O., Hussein H. M., Spitzer L., Půža V., Sehnal F., Holec M. (2010) Arthropod communities in the maize field: comparison of transgenic MON 88017 with near-isogenic and non-transgenic maize. International Conference on Invertebrate Reproduction and Development in the Age of Genetic Modifications, 16-20 August 2010, Prague, Czech Republic. Abstract 28. |
Žurovcová M.,
Havelka J.,
Starý P., Věchtová P., Chundelová D.,
Jarošová A.,
Kučerová L. (2010) "DNA barcoding" is of limited value for identifying adelgids (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) but supports traditional morphological taxonomy. European Journal of Entomology
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Foltan P.,
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Herrero Asensio N., Marquez S., Zabalgogeazcoa I. (2009) Mycoviruses are common among different species of endophytic fungi of grasses. Archives of Virology
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Liu Q., Wang M., Zhang L., Wang Y., Du X., Sun H.,
Mráček Z. (2009) Determination on biological characteristics of Nematode Rhabditis (Oscheius) sp. Agricultural Science & Technology
10: 138-140.
Nermuť J. (2009) The response of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) and Steinernema feltiae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) to different cues. In: Proceedings, Second International Participated Entomopathogen and Microbial Control Symposium, 24 - 27 September 2009, Sarigerme-Mugla, Turekey
p. 41.
Půža V.,
Mráček Z. (2009) Mixed infection of Galleria mellonella with two entomopathogenic nematode (Nematoda: Rhabditida) species: Steinernema affine benefits from the presence of Steinernema kraussei. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
102: 40-43.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2009.06.005 |