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Celkem nalezeno: 976 záznamů
Kłonowska-Olejnik M., Godunko R. J. (2003) Contribution to the taxonomy of the Central European species of Rhithrogena loyolaea species-group (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) X International Conference on Ephemeroptera. XIV International Symposium on Plecoptera, August 5-11, 2001, Perugia (Italy) 339-348.
Lozan A., Zelený J. (2003) Braconid (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) parasitoids of bark beetles in upland spruce stands of the Czech Republic. in: McManus, Michael L.; Liebhold, Andrew M., eds. 2003 Proceedings: Ecology, Survey, and Management of Forest Insects; September 1-5 (2002); Krakow, Poland. Gen.Tech. Rep. NE-311, Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, N 152-153.
Papáček M., Soldán T. (2003) Vodní hmyz. In: Šumava - příroda, historie, život. Praha: Baset, 2003, pp. 271-280.
Růžička V. (2003) Pavouci Krkonoš. [Spiders of Krkonoše Mountains.] Krkonoše - Jizerské hory 36: 22-23.
Růžička V. (2003) Kamenité sutě. Šumava - příroda, historie, život. Baset, Praha. 181-183.
Růžička V., Hajer J. (2003) Pavouci (Araneae) mokřadů u Krásného lesa (Krušné hory). Spiders of wetlands near Krásný Les (Krušné Hory Mts.). Sborník Okresního muzea v Mostě, řada přírodovědná 25: 33-36.
Sehnal F., Habuštová O., Spitzer L., Hussein H. M., Růžička V. (2003) A biannual study on the environmental impact of Bt-maize. Ecological Impact of the Genetically Modified Organisms. Praha (Czech Republic), Nov. 26-29, 2003. Abstracts, p. 46.
Soldán T. (2003) Distribution and biology of Ecdyonurus austriacus Kimmins, 1958 (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) in the Novohradské Mountains. In: Biodiversity and environmental conditions of the Novohradské hory Mts. II., Papáček M. (ed.), Jihočeská Universita a Entomologický ústav AV ČR, 2003, České Budějovice, pp. 123-132.
Soldán T. (2003) Ephemeroptera phylogeny and higher classification: present status and conflicting hypotheses. Entomol. Abhandlungen 6: 125-126.
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Soldán T., Brabec K., Zahrádková S., Jarkovský J., Kokeš J., Dušek L., Němejcová D., Hodovský J., Pařil P., Opatřilová L. (2003) Varicability of natural benthic macroinvertebrate communities in running waters of Central Europe (Czech Republic). In: Handbook and Final program, 9th International Conference on River Research and Applications, 6-11, 2003, Albury, Australy, pp. 83-84.
Soldán T., Dresler M., Putz M., Maradová M. (2003) Timing of emergence and flight behavior of Oligoneuriella rhenana (Imhoff, 1852) (Ephemeroptera, Oligoneuriidae) at the Malše River (Novohradské Mountains, Czech Republic). In: Biodiversity and Environmental Conditions of the Novohradské hory Mts. II., Papáček M. (ed.), Jihočeská univerzita a Entomologický ústav AV ČR, 2003, České Budějovice, pp. 133-138.
Soldán T., Yang J. (2003) Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Taiwan: Species composition, taxonomic shifts, distribution and biogeographical analysis. In: Research Update on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, 10th International Conference on Ephemeroptera and 14th International Symposium on Plecoptera, 5-11 August, 2001, Perugia, Italy, pp. 413-420.
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Spitzer L., Růžička V., Hussein H. M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2003) Společenstva střevíků (Coleoptera:Carabidae) a pavouků (Arachnida) na polích s geneticky modifikovanou a kontrolní kukuřicí (Communities of carabid beetles and spiders on fields of a Bt and control maize). XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Nitra (Slovak Republic), Sept. 16-17, 2003. Abstracts, p. 221.
Spitzer L., Růžička V., Hussein H. M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2003) Expression of Bacillus thuringiensis toxin in maize does not affect epigeic communities of carabid beetles and spiders. Ecological Impact of the Genetically Modified Organisms. Praha (Czech Republic), November 26-29, Abstract 48.
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