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Celkem nalezeno: 976 záznamů
Bauernfeind E., Soldán T. (2012) The mayflies of Europe (Ephemeroptera) Apollo Books, Ollerup, Denmark, 781 pp.
Bojková J., Komprdová K., Soldán T., Zahrádková S. (2012) Species loss of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Czech Republic over the 20th century Freshwater Biology 57: 2550-2567.
DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12027
Boukal D. (2012) Life and death underwater: what do we (not) know about predatory aquatic insects? In: Zoológia 2012 - konference Slovenské společnosti pro zoológii, Zvolen, Slovensko, 22.–24.11. 2012 [plenary talk].
Boukal D., Fikáček M., Hájek J., Konvička O., Křivan V., Sejkora R., Skalický S., Straka M., Sychra J., Trávníček D. (2012) Nové a zajímavé nálezy vodních brouků z území České republiky (Coleoptera: Sphaeriusidae, Dytiscidae, Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, Georissidae, Hydraenidae, Scirtidae, Elmidae, Dryopidae, Limnichidae, Heteroceridae). Klapalekiana 48: 1-21 (in Czech, English).
Boukal D., Jankovský M., Kubečka J., Heino M. (2012) Stock-catch analysis of carp recreational fisheries in Czech reservoirs: insights into fish survival, water body productivity and impact of extreme events Fisheries Research 119: 23-32.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2011.12.003
Diakiv K., Godunko R. J. (2012) Передумови створення колекцій амфібіотичних комах України (Insecta: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera). [The aquatic insects collections at the museums of natural history]. In: Modern aspects of the museology at the museums of natural history, September 11-13, 2012: 87–88. (in Ukrainian; materials of conference).
Enberg K., Jorgensen C., Dunlop E., Varpe O., Boukal D., Baulier L., Eliassen S., Heino M. (2012) Fishing-induced evolution of growth: concepts, mechanisms, and the empirical evidence Marine Ecology - An Evolutionary Perspective 33: 1-25.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2011.00460.x
Godunko R. J., Staniczek A. (2012) Revision of fossil Metretopodidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in Baltic amber. In: M. Yoshimura Y. (Eds): 2012 International Joint Meeting on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Program and Abstract Book. June 3-9, 2012, Wakayama, Japan: 29–30.
Jaroš J., Spitzer K. (2012) Neobyčejná společenstva motýlů na rašeliništích Třeboňska: přežívání reliktních populací (Unusual communities of moths and butterflies of the Třeboň Basin peatlands: survival of relict populations). Živa 2012: 125-128.
Klečka J., Boukal D. (2012) Who eats whom in a pool? A comparative study of prey selectivity by predatory aquatic insects PLoS ONE 7: e37741.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037741
Lozan A., Spitzer K., Jaroš J. (2012) Isolated peat bog habitats and their food connections: parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) and their lepidopteran hosts. Journal of Insect Conservation 16: 391-397.
DOI: 10.1007/s10841-011-9425-4
Maradová M., Soldán T. (2012) Effect of meander restoration on macroinvertebrate biodiversity: the case of the Borová stream (Blanský Les, Czech Republic) Silva Gabreta 18: 1-21.
Růžička V., Vaněk J., Šmilauer P. (2012) Spiders in mountain habitats of the Giant Mountains. Russian Journal of Ecology 43: 341-347..
DOI: 10.1134/S1067413612040133
Růžička V., Zacharda M., Němcová L., Šmilauer P., Nekola J. (2012) Periglacial microclimate in low altitude scree slopes supports relict biodiversity. Journal of Natural History 46: 2145–2157.
DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2012.707248
Soldán T., Bojková J., Vrba J., Bitušík P., Chvojka P., Papáček M., Svobodová J., Sychra J., Tátosová J. (2012) Aquatic insects of the Bohemian Forest glacial lakes: Diversity, long-term changes, and influence of acidification. Silva Gabreta 18: 123-283.
Soldán T., Godunko R. J., Sroka P., Bojková J. (2012) Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) species inventory of the Caucasus Mountains. In: M. Yoshimura Y. (Eds): 2012 International Joint Meeting on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Program and Abstract Book. June 3-9, 2012, Wakayama, Japan: 49–50.
Spitzer K. (2012) Insect Conservation Developments in Central Europe. In: New T. R. (ed.): Insect Conservation: Past, Present and Prospect. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht pp. 303-315.
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2963-6_13
Spitzer K., Jaroš J. (2012) Nástin stanovištních vazeb motýlů (Lepidoptera) okolí Jindřichova Hradce. Outlines of moth and butterfly communities (Lepidoptera) of Jindřichův Hradec environs (South Bohemia) Sbor. Jihočes. Muz. v Čes. Budějovicích, Přír. Vědy 52: 151-159.
Sroka P. (2012) Systematics and phylogeny of the West Palaearctic representatives of subfamily Baetinae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera): combined analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphology Aquatic Insects 34: 23-53.
DOI: 10.1080/01650424.2012.718081
Sroka P., Godunko R. J. (2012) Mayflies of the Caucasus Mountains. I. A new species of the genus Electrogena Zurwerra & Tomka, 1985 Zootaxa 3222: 28–45.
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