Celkem nalezeno: 977 záznamů |
Vlašánek P.,
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Bojková J., Čížková H., Kučerová A., Rádková V.,
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Godunko R. J., Palatov D., Martynov A. (2015) Mayflies of the Caucasus Mountains. III. A new representative of the subgenus Rhodobaetis Jacob, 2003 (Baetidae: Baetis) from the South-Western Caucasus. Zootaxa
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Godunko R. J.,
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Růžička V. (2015) Naši pavouci a biospeleologie. Our spiders and biospeleology. Živa
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Růžička V., Mlejnek R., Tajovský K., Juřičková L. (2015) Propast Macocha - specifické centrum druhové rozmanitosti. Ochrana přírody
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Růžička V., Zacharda M., Šmilauer P., Kučera T. (2015) Can paleorefugia of cold-adapted species in talus slopes resist global warming? Boreal Environment Research
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Dokumenty ke stažení: BER_2015 (pdf) |
Sentis A., Gémard C., Jaugeon B., Boukal D. (2015) Effects of species diversity and environmental change on trophic and non-trophic interaction strengths. In: BES 2015 - British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, 14.-16.12. 2015 [talk]. |