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Celkem nalezeno: 218 záznamů
Konvička M., Hůla V., Fric Z. (2003) Habitat of pre-hibernating larvae of the endangered butterfly Euphydryas aurinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): What can be learned from vegetation composition and architecture? Eur. J. Entomol. 100: 313-322.
Konvička M., Maradová M., Beneš J., Fric Z., Kepka P. (2003) Uphill shifts in distribution of butterflies in the Czech Republic: effects of changing climate detected on a regional scale. Global Ecol. Biogeography 12: 403-410.
Kuras T., Beneš J., Fric Z., Konvička M. (2003) Dispersal patterns of endemic alpine butterflies with contrasting population structures: Erebia epiphron and E. sudetica. Population Ecology 45: 115-123.
Řičánková V., Fric Z., Faltýnková A., Chlachula J. (2003) Habitat preferences of grey marmots, Marmota baibacina, in Altai Mountains. In: Erzhanov N.T., Baitulin I.O., Bekenov A.B., Masalinov A.S. (Eds.) Actual Problems of Ecology, Material of the Second International Scientific Practise Conference. Karaganda State University, Karaganda. 323-325.
Beneš J., Fric Z., Kepka P., Konvička M. (2002) Potential of limestone quarries for butterfly conservation - a study across two scales. Book of Abstracts, VIIth European Congress of Entomology, October 7-13 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece 228.
Beneš J., Konvička M., Dvořák J., Fric Z., Havelda Z., Pavlíčko A., Vrabec V., Weidenhoffer Z. (2002) Motýli České republiky: Rozšíření a ochrana. I.,II. Společnost pro Ochranu Motýlů, Praha, 857 pp.
Fric Z., Konvička M. (2002) Generations of the polyphenic butterfly Araschnia levana differ in body design. Evol. Ecol. Res. 4: 1017-1033..
Konvička M., Fric Z., Beneš J. (2002) Motýli a klimatické změny. Vesmír 81: 492-493.
Konvička M., Maradová M., Fric Z., Beneš J. (2002) Does warming climate cause uphill retreats of mountain butterflies? Analysis of data from the Czech distribution atlas. Book of Abstracts, VIIth European Congress of Entomology, October 7-13 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece. 233.
Konvička M., Nedvěd O., Fric Z. (2002) Early-spring floods decrease survival of hibernating larvae of wetland inhabiting butterfly Neptis rivulari (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 48: 79-88.
Zimmermann K., Konvička M., Fric Z. (2002) Behaviour and habitat selection of the butterfly Coenonympha arcania (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) - seasonal decline ot mate-locating effort. Book of Abstracts, VIIth European Congress of Entomology, October 7-13 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece p. 37.
Beneš J., Konvička M., Fric Z. (2001) Faunistic records from the Czech Republic Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae. Pyrgus trebevicensis. Klapalekiana 37: 152..
Beneš J., Konvička M., Fric Z. (2001) Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 137. Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae. Pyrgus trebevicensis. Klapalekiana 37: 152.
Konvička M., Fric Z. (2001) Hmyz starých stromů. Živa 2001: 79-82.
Fric Z., Beneš J. (2000) Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - Lepidoptera: Noctuidae. Klapalekiana 36: 322.
Fric Z., Hůla V., Konvička M., Pavlíčko A. (2000) A note on recent distribution of Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Czech Republic. Atalanta 31: 453-454..
Fric Z., Konvička M. (2000) Adult population structure and behaviour of two seasonal generations of the European Map Butterfly, Araschnia levana, species with seasonal polyphenism (Nymphalidae). Nota lepid. 23: 2-25..
Hůla V., Fric Z., Pavlíčko A. (2000) Bělásek ovocný na Sokolovsku. Živa 48: 281-282.
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