Celkem nalezeno: 1114 záznamů |
Socha R.,
Gelbič I. (1973) Stages in the differentiation of ovarian development in Dixppus morosus as revealed by the effects of juvenoids. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
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Socha R.,
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Socha R.,
Sehnal F. (1973) Inhibition of insect development by simultaneous action of prothoracic gland hormone and juvenile hormone. J. Insect Physiol.
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Varjas L.,
Sehnal F. (1973) Use of a juvenile hormone analogue against the fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea. Ent. exp. appl.
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Babu T.,
Sláma K. (1972) Systemic activity of a juvenile hormone analog. Science
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Babu T.,
Sláma K. (1972) Effectiveness of ethyl pivaloyl-L-alanyl-p-aminobenzoate - a juvenile hormone analogue against red cotton bug, Dysdercus cingulatus Fabr. Indian J. Entomol.
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Gelbič I., Knoz J. (1972) Differences in the structure of the labrofrontal nerve in larvae of various groups of the family Simulidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
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Němec V. (1972) The effects of juvenile hormone analogues on the esterase activity in the haemolymph of Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) larvae (Hemiptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
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Nohel P.,
Sláma K. (1972) Effect of a juvenile hormone analogue on glutamate-pyruvate transaminase activity in the bug Pyrrhocoris apterus. Insect Biochem.
2: 58-66.
Novák V., Sehnal F. (1972) Využití nových synthetizovaných látek v ochraně lesů. "Zborník referátov z konferencie o zdravotnom stave lesov a ich ochrane", Zvolen 6.-8.6.1972, str.244-250. Edičné stredisko SVZŠ. |
Novák V., Sláma K. (1972) Insect Endocrines III. Suppl. Acta ent. bohemoslov., 1-153. |
Rohdendorf E.,
Sehnal F. (1972) The induction of ovarian dysfunctions in Thermobia domestica by the Cecropia juvenile hormones. Experientia
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Sehnal F. (1972) Action of ecdysone on ligated larvae of Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera): Induction of development. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
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Sehnal F. (1972) Perspectives of the use of juvenoids as insecticides. Zborník kongresu "Chémia v polnohospodárstve", Bratislava, 27.-30.6.1972. 2 pp. |
Sláma K., Romaňuk M., Šorm F. (1972) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity: Juvenile activity of methyl 3,7,11,11-tetramethyl-2-dodecenoate and its homologues. J. Insect Physiol.
18: 19-24.
Socha R.,
Sehnal F. (1972) Inhibition of adult development in Tenebrio molitor by insect hormones and antibiotics. J. lnsect Physiol.
18: 317-337.
Varjas L., Sehnal F. (1972) Juvenilhormon-analog alkamazasa az amerikai szovolepke (Hyphantria cunea Drury) ellen szabadfoldi kserletkben. XXI. Novenyvedelmi Tudomanyos ertekezlet, February 1972, pp. 69-74. |
Žďárek J.,
Sláma K. (1972) Supernumerary larval instars in cyclorrhaphous Diptera. Biol. Bull.
142: 350-357.