Celkem nalezeno: 1114 záznamů |
Gelbič I.,
Němec V. (1978) Effect of a juvenoid on the nutrient content and growth of larvae of Spodoptera littoralis. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
75: 15-24.
Malá J.,
Sehnal F. (1978) Role of the nerve cord in the control of prothoracic glands in Galleria mellonella L. Experientia
34: 1233-1234.
Němec V., Chen T., Wyatt G. (1978) Precocious adult locust, Locusta migratoria migratorioides, induced by precocene. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
75: 285-286.
Novák V.,
Sehnal F. (1978) Sterilization of the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis with diflubenzuron. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
75: 349-351.
Růžička Z.,
Sehnal F.,
Holman J. (1978) Effects of juvenoids on aphid predators. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
75: 369-378.
Sehnal F. (1978) Neurohormony - důležité regulátory hmyzího organizmu. Živa
1978: 82-83.
Sláma K. (1978) The principles of antihormone action in insects. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
75: 65-82.
Sláma K., Kahovcová J., Romaňuk M. (1978) Action of some aromatic juvenogen ester on insects. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol.
9: 313-321.
Sláma K., Wimmer Z., Romaňuk M. (1978) Juvenile hormone activity of some glycosidic juvenogens. Z. Physiol. Chem.
359: 1407-1412.
Socha R., Zemek K. (1978) Some aspects on genotype-phenotype relationship during evolution from the point of view principle of natural selection. Proc. Symp. Natur. Selection, pp.79-88. |
Strunecká A., Němec V. (1978) Kontaminující látky ovlivňující biologické funkce. UK Praha, pp. 1-47. |
Ciemior K.,
Sehnal F., Cymborowski B. (1977) The role of the neuro-endocrine system as a pacemaker of insect moulting cycles. J. interdiscipl. Cycle Res.
8: 301-303.
Helm R., Novák F.,
Šula J., Nováková O., Kubišta V. (1977) Phospholipid metabolism in the flight muscle of Periplaneta americana during maturation. Insect Biochem
7: 73-76.
Kryspin-Sorenses I.,
Gelbič I.,
Sláma K. (1977) Juvenoid action on the total body metabolism in larvae of a noctuid moth. J. Insect Physiol.
23: 531-535.
Malá J., Granger N.,
Sehnal F. (1977) Control of prothoracic gland activity in larvae of Galleria mellonella. J. Insect Physiol.
23: 309-316.
Manville J., Greguss L.,
Sláma K., Von Rudolff E. (1977) Occurrence of "juvabione-type or epijuvabione-type" insect juvenile hormone analogues in three "Czechoslovakian firs". Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun.
42: 3658-3666.
Němec V. (1977) Changes in the saccharide content in various organs of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera) during its reproductive cycle. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
74: 219-223.
Provansal A., Baudry-Partiaoglou N.,
Sláma K. (1977) Haemolymph pressure pulses in the metamorphosis of Tenebrio molitor. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
74: 362-374.
Gelbič I.,
Socha R. (1976) The effects of chemosterilant metepa on the development of the panoistic ovaries of Dixippus morosus Br. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
73: 224 - 233.
Novák V.,
Sehnal F. (1976) Testy a pokusy s použitim juvenoidu v boji proti klikorohu borovému (Hylobius abietis L.) a lýkožroutu smrkovému (Ips typographus L.) v ochraně lesů. [Experimental use of juvenoids against Hylobius abietis and Ips typographus in forest protection]. Lesnictvi
22: 87-106.