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Celkem nalezeno: 1114 záznamů
Grzelak K., Szczesna E., Sehnal F. (1982) Stimulation of RNA transcription by juvenile hormone in degenerating silk glands. Molec. and Cellul. Endocrinol. 26: 341-351.
Hodková M., Socha R. (1982) Why is Pyrrhocoris apterus insensitive to precocene II? Experientia 38: 977-979.
Hodková M., Socha R. (1982) Comparison of effects of starvation and precocene II on the function of denervated corpus allatum in Dysdercus cingulatus females. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 79: 108-109.
Sehnal F., Akai H. (1982) Ultrastructure and function of silk glands in Galleria mellonella. The Ultrastruct. and Funct. of Insect Cells. pp. 135-138.
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Socha R., Zemek K. (1982) Phylogenetic heredity: role of changes in ontogenetic pattern not directly coded in the gametic DNA. Evolution and Environment, 277-284.
Willis J., Rezaur R., Sehnal F. (1982) Juvenoids cause some insects to form composite cuticles. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. 71: 25-40.
Zemek K., Socha R. (1982) Is the problem of the newly-acquired characters and their fixation reducible to the mutability - natural selection mechanism? Evolution and Environment, 263-276.
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Němec V. (1981) Effect of different hormonal conditions on saccharide metabolism in various organs of adult Pyrrhocoris apterus. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 78: 145-151.
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Sehnal F., Maroy P., Malá J. (1981) Regulation and significance of ecdysteroid titre fluctuations in lepidopterous larvae and pupae. J. Insect Physiol. 27: 535-544.
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Socha R., Hodková M. (1981) Delayed effects of juvenile hormone analogues on metamorphosis of Pyrrhocoris apterusare not mediated by the corpus allatum. Experientia 37: 1029-1030.
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Baronio P., Sehnal F. (1980) Dependence of the parasitoid Gonia cinerascens on the hormones of its lepidopterous hosts. J. Insect Physiol. 26: 619-626.
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