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Celkem nalezeno: 1114 záznamů
Kodrík D., Socha R., Zemek R. (2000) Pyrrhocoris apterus adipokinetic hormone - stress and locomotion. In: Programme and Abstracts of 20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, September 5-9, 2000, Faro, Portugal. Abstract p. 46.
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Olejníček J., Gelbič I., Grubhoffer L. (2000) Changes of haemagglutination activity in the gut and abdomen of two strains of the Culex pipiens complex following glucose liquid sucking Biologia, Bratislava 55: 535-538.
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Kodrík D., Socha R. (1999) A Mediterranean population of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) exhibits wing morph-related differences in adipokinetic response. Eur. J. Entomol. 96: 327-330.
Kodrík D., Socha R., Šimek P., Zemek R. (1999) A novel member of the AKH/RPCH family that stimulates locomotory activity in the Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera). In: J. Berger (ed.) 15th Biological days - Cells, September 6-8, 1999, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Abstract p. 80.
Olejníček J., Gelbič I. (1999) Autogeny in Culex pipiens complex. In: Takken W., van Lenteren J.J., Kaminker F., Pates H., Schneider P. (eds.) Programme and Abstracts XIIth European meeting, Society for Vector Ecology, September 6 - 11, 1999, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Abstract p. 98.
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