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Celkem nalezeno: 516 záznamů
Hodek I. (1962) Experimental influencing of the imaginal diapause in Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col. Coccinellidae). Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov. 59: 297-313.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1962) Three problems in the study of diapause in Coccinelidae. Verh. XI. Intern. Kongr. Ent. (Wien 1960), 1: 773-774.
Hodek I., Starý P., Štys P. (1962) The natural enemy complex of Aphis fabae and its effectiveness in control. Verh. XI. Intern. Kongr. Entom. (Wien 1960) 2: 747-749.
Hodek I. (1961) The influence of various aphid species as food for two lady-birds Coccinella 7-punctata L. and Adalia bipunctata L. In: The Ontogeny of Insects, (Proc. Symp. Praha 1959), Academia, Prague, pp. 314-316.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Experimental influencing of the imaginal diapause of Coccinella 7-punctata L. Věstník Čs. Spol. Zool. 24: 70-90.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Changes of the physiological state of hibernating imagoes of the lady-bird Semiadalia 11-notata Schneid. In: The Ontogeny of Insects, (Proc. Symp. Praha 1959), Academia, Prague, pp. 249-252.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1961) Prevention and artificial induction of imaginal diapause in Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col., Coccinellidae). Ent. exp. appl. 4: 179-190.
Hodek I. (1960) Hibernation-bionomics in Coccinellidae. Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov. 57: 1-20.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1960) Prevention and artificial induction of the imaginal diapause in Coccinella 7-punctata. Nature 167: 345.
Hodek I. (1959) Ecology of aphidophagous Coccinellidae. Int. Conf. Insect Path. biol. Control, Praha, 1958: 543-547.
Hodek I., Holman J., Starý P., Štys P., Zelený J. (1959) Natural enemies of the bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.) in Czechoslovakia. Int. Conf. Insect Path. biol. Control, Praha, 1958: 553-557.
Hodek I. (1958) Influence of temperature, rel. humidity and photoperiodicity on the speed of development of Coccinella 7-punctata L. Čas. Čs. Spol. Entomol. 55: 121-141.
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1958) A study of the imaginal hibernation of Semiadalia undecimnotata Schneid. (Coccinellidae, Col.) in the open, Věstník Čs. Spol. Zool. 22: 180-192.
Hodek I. (1957) The influence of Aphis sambuci L. as food for Coccinella 7-punctata L. II. Acta Soc. Entomol. Čechoslov. 54: 10-17.
Hodek I. (1957) The larval food consumption of Coccinella 7-punctata L. Zool. listy 6: 3-11.
Hodek I. (1956) The influence of Aphis sambuci L. as prey of the ladybird beetle Coccinella septempunctata L. Acta Soc. Zool. bohemoslov. 20: 62-74.
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