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Celkem nalezeno: 516 záznamů
Hodek I. (1975) Diapause development in Aelia acuminata females (Heteroptera). Věstník Čs. Spol. Zool. 3: 178-194.
Sláma K., Hodková M. (1975) Insect hormones and bioanalogues: their effect on respiratory metabolism in Dermestes vulpinus L. (Coleoptera). Biol. Bull. 148: 320-332.
Hodek I. (1974) Reactivation of diapausing Aelia acuminata adults before hibernation (Heteroptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 71: 65-71.
Hodek I. (1974) Development of diapause in Pyrrhocoris apterus females in the middle period of winter dormancy (Heteroptera). Věstník Čs. Spol. Zool. 3: 161-169.
Hodek I. (1974) Simplification of rearing and use of aphidophagous Coccinellidae. Proc. 5th Nat. Conf. Plant Prot., Brno 1974: 479-482.
Hodková M. (1974) Effect of juvenile hormone on the content of nucleic acids in organs of adult Pyrrhocoris apterus females (Heteroptera). Věstník Čs. Spol. Zool. 38: 86-94.
Iperti G., Hodek I. (1974) Induction alimentaire de la dormance imaginale chez Semiadalia undecimnotata Schn. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) pour aider a la conservation des coccinelles élevées au laboratoire avant une utilisation ultérieure. Ann. Zool. Écol. anim. 6: 41-51.
Rolley F., Hodek I., Iperti G. (1974) Influence de la nourriture aphidienne (selon l'âge de la plante-hôte partir de laquelle les pucerons se multiplient) sur l'induction de la dormance chez Semiadalia undecimnotata Schn. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Ann. Zool. Écol. anim. 6: 53-60.
Hodek I., Růžička Z., Sehnal F. (1973) Termination of diapause in two species of ladybirds (Coccinellidae). Experientia 29: 1146-1148.
Honěk A., Hodek I. (1973) Diapause of Chrysopa carnea (Chrysopidae: Neuroptera) females in the field. Věstník Čs. spol. zool. 37: 95-100.
Hodek I., Hagen K., Van Emden H. (1972) Methods for studying effectiveness of natural enemies. Pp.147-188, Aphid Technology, Academic Press, New York - London.
Hodek I. (1971) Induction of adult diapause in Pyrrhocoris apterus L. by short cold exposure. Oecologia (Berl.) 6: 109-117.
Hodek I. (1971) Sensitivity to photoperiod in Aelia acuminata (L.) after adult diapause. Oecologia (Berl.) 6: 152-155.
Hodek I. (1971) Sensitivity of larvae to photoperiods controlling the adult diapause of two insects. J. Insect Physiol. 17: 205-216.
Hodek I. (1971) Variability in diapause characters within one population. 13th Int. Congr. Ent., Moscow 1968, vol. 1, p. 384.
Hodek I. (1971) Termination of adult diapause in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) in the field. Ent. exp. appl. 14: 212-222.
Hodek I., Honěk A. (1971) Termination of adult diapause. 13th Int. Congr. Ent., Moscow 1968, Vol. 1: p. 385.
Hodek I., Landa V. (1971) Anatomical and histological changes during dormancy in two Coccinellidae. Entomophaga 16: 239-251.
Hodková M., Kubišta V. (1971) Anaerobic formation of alanine in the metathoracic musculature of Periplaneta americana. Insect Biochem. 1: 461-466.
Hodek I. (1970) Coccinellids and the modern pest management. BioSci. 1970: 543-552.
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