Celkem nalezeno: 516 záznamů |
Hodková M. (1989) Indication of the role of melatonin in the regulation of reproduction in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
86: 81-85.
Hodková M., Hodek I. (1989) Role of feeding, photoperiod and temperature in the regulation of reproduction by the neuroendocrine system in Pyrrhocoris apterus. In.: M.Tonner, T. Soldán & B. Bennettová eds. Regulation of Insect Reproduction IV, Žinkovy 1987, Czech Republic, pp. 377-384. |
Hodková M.,
Hodek I., Sømme L. (1989) Cold is not a prerequisite for the completion of photoperiodically induced diapause in Dolycoris baccarum from Norway. Ent. exp. appl.
52: 185-188.
Okuda T., Hodek I. (1989) Flight tendency of 2 coccinellids, Semiadalia undecimnotata and Coccinella septempunctata, in relation to diapause. In.: M.Tonner, T. Soldán & B. Bennettová eds. Regulation of Insect Reproduction IV, Žinkovy 1987, Czech Republic, pp. 385-400. |
Socha R.,
Hodková M. (1989) The absence of corpus allatum in prothetelic adultiforms in a strain of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
86: 167-171.
Hodek I. (1988) Photoperiodic response and reproductive activity in Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteroptera) in relation to diapause development. Zool. Jb. Physiol.
92: 57-70.
Hodek I.,
Hodková M. (1988) Multiple role of temperature during insect diapause: a review. Ent. exp. appl.
49: 153-165.
Hodek I., Honěk A. (1988) 9.2.7 Sampling, Rearing and Handling of Aphid Predators. In: Minsk A.K., Harrewijn P. (eds.) Aphids, Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. Vol. B. Elsevier Sci. Publis., pp. 311-321. |
Hodek I., Kindlmann P. (1988) Evaluation of impact of aphid predators and the value and limitations of mathematical models (Essay-review). Ecology and Effectiveness of Aphidophaga. SPB Academic Press, Hague, pp. 151-160. |
Hodková M. (1988) Insect photoperiodic clock and phenotypic expression: is there a causal relationship? Acta ent. bohemoslov.
85: 161-173.
Hodková M., Fuzeau-Braesch S. (1988) Effet du gaz carbonique sur la reproduction de Pyrrhocoris apterus sous deux régmes lumineux: inhibition de la reproduction en jours longs. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris
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Babrakzai Z.,
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51: 85-88.
Hodková M.,
Hodek I. (1987) Photoperiodic summation is temperature-dependent in Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera). Experientia
43: 454-456.
Hodková M.,
Socha R. (1987) Stage dependent effect of juvenile hormone analogue on the corpus allatum activity in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
84: 81-86.
Hodek I. (1986) Life cycle strategies, diapause and migration in aphidophagous Coccinellidae (minireview). Academia, pp. 155-262. |
Hodek I. (1986) Ecology of Aphidophaga. Academia, Praha and Dr. W.Junk, Dordrecht, 562 pp. |
Hodek I.,
Hodková M. (1986) Diapause development and photoperiodic activation in starving females of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera). J. Insect Physiol.
7: 615-621.
Okuda T.,
Hodková M.,
Hodek I. (1986) Flight tendency in Coccinella septempunctata in relation to changes in flight muscles, ovaries and corpus allatum. In Ecology of Aphidophaga, Academia, Praha,
pp. 217-223..
Hodek I. (1984) The peculiarities of diapause termination in adult insects. Atti. Accad. Naz. Ital. Entomol. Rendic. 30-32: 1-16. |
Hodek I., Chakrabarti S., Rejmánek M. (1984) The effect of prey density on food intake by adult Cheilomenes sulphurea (Col.: Coccinellidae). Entomophaga
29: 179-184.