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Celkem nalezeno: 516 záznamů
Nedvěd O., Windsor D. (1994) Allometry in sexual dimorphism of Stenotarsus rotundus arrow (Coleoptera: Endomychidae). The Coleopterists Bull. 48: 51-59.
Okuda T., Hodek I. (1994) Diapause and photoperiodic response in Coccinella septempunctata brucki Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Hokkaido, Japan. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 29: 549-554.
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Nedvěd O. (1993) Comparison of cold hardiness in two ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) with contrasting hibernation behaviour. Eur. J. Entomol. 90: 465-470.
Nedvěd O., Kovář I. (1993) Larval bionomics and morphology of Scymnus abietis Payk. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). In: Rabasse J.M. (ed.) Aphidophaga 5, I.O.B.C. Symp., La Colle Sur Loup (France) 1993. I.N.R.A., Antibes & I.O.B.C., Zurich, pp. 89.
Socha R., Nedvěd O., Zrzavý J. (1993) Unstable forewing polymorphism in a strain of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 86: 484-489.
Zrzavý J., Nedvěd O., Socha R. (1993) Metameric color pattern in the bugs (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae, Largidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Rhopalidae): A morphological marker of insect body compartmentalization. Zool. Science 10: 133-140.
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Hodek I., Hodková M. (1992) Regulation of postdiapause reproduction by recurrent photoperiodic response. In: Bennettová B., Gelbič I. & Soldán T. (eds) Advances in Regulation of Insect Reproduction, Žinkovy 1991. Inst. Entomol., Czech. Acad. Sci., pp. 119-124.
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