Lucie Marešová získala ocenění za nejlepší doktorandskou přednášku
Doktorandka Biologického centra AV ČR a Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické Lucie Marešová byla oceněna za nejlepší přednášku na své první mezinárodní konferenci, kterou absolvovala. Stalo se tak na vědeckém setkání 3rd Caparica Chrismas Conference on Sample Treatment v Lisabonu na začátku prosince.
Lucie Marešová pracuje pod vedením dr. Petra Šimka v analytických laboratořích Entomologického ústavu, které se zaměřují na metabolomický výzkum. Její práce se týkala přípravy vzorků hmyzích hormonů pro metabolomickou analýzu.
Abstrakt práce:
Hormones are essential chemical messengers that control major living functions in higher organisms, for instance development, molting, and metamorphosis in insects. Hormones are typically present at femtomole levels in body fluids and cannot be directly determined by common LC-MS metabolomics methods. Furthermore, submicroliter sample volumes are often available for their quantification, particularly when small organisms such as insects are investigated. Here we describe a robust and sensitive sample preparation protocol for the HPLC-MS/MS determination of ecdysteroid hormones in insect body fluids. After the sample collection and the analyte extraction, the ecdysteroid keto group is treated with hydroxylamine providing oximes for the MS signal enhancement. Removal of the reagent excess and efficient sample clean-up is achieved by means of a solid phase micro-extraction step which is based on application of cost effective, in-house prepared pippette tips filled with a sandwich layer containing two types of sorbents. With the optimized sample preparation protocol, ecdysteroids can be quantified at low picogram levels by multiple reaction monitoring positive ion electrospray MS detection. The new method was successfully examined in ecdysteroid profiling of important insect model species, mainly Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), and will be used in metabolomic studies of the insect life cycle.