RNDr. Jana Lipárová, Ph.D.
Job Position: Research Scientist - Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Social Insects , Research Scientist - Laboratory of Temperate Biodiversity
I’m working as a postdoc at the Institute of Entomology, BC CAS. My major scientific field is butterfly conservation which I'm doing under the laboratory of temperate biodiversity, but besides, I do administration and technical support for Lab of Social Insects.
Recently, I'm, engaged in project: "Restoring biodiversity of disturbed peatlands as a basis for restoration of their future ecosystem
functions and services". I have long term experience with field research in the Balkans (effects of landscape abandonment and forest encroachment on butterflies, butterfly autecology), as well as in the Czech Republic (landscape heterogeneity impacts on butterflies and moths). During MSc., I started working on butterfly life-history traits (and recently even on moths). I’m familiarised with life-history traits analyses in Canoco and R software. My up to date publication can be found at my (ResearchGate) profile.
I teach Typing and Word Processing Course and Field Course of Marine Biology at the University of South Bohemia.
In case of interests or if you want to remind some your trips with me, please check my photoweb pages (maliphoto.webnode.cz).
Total found: 17 records
Vítovcová K., Vašutová M., Lipárová J.,
Vrba P., Prach K. (2024) Successional pathways and trophic specialisation of different groups of organisms in formerly extracted raised bogs – Restoration and conservation perspectives Biological Conservation
: 110649. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110649 |
Vítovcová K., Lipárová J., Manukjanová A., Vašutová M.,
Vrba P., Prach K. (2022) Biodiversity restoration of formerly extracted raised bogs: vegetation succession and recovery of other trophic groups. Wetlands Ecology and Management
: 207-237. DOI: 10.1007/s11273-021-09847-z |
Konvička M., Kuras T., Lipárová J., Slezák V.,
Horázná D.,
Klečka J.,
Klečková I. (2021) Low winter precipitation, but not warm autumns and springs, threatens mountain butterflies in middle-high mountains. PeerJ
: article number: e12021. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.12021 |
Middleton-Welling J., Dapporto L., Garcia-Barros E., Wiemers M., Nowicki P., Plazio E., Bonelli S., Zaccagno M., Šašić M., Lipárová J., Schweiger O., Harpke A., Musche M., Settele J., Schmucki R., Shreeve T. (2020) A new comprehensive trait database of European and Maghreb butterflies, Papilionoidea. Scientific Data
: article number: 351. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-020-00697-7 |
Bartoňová A.,
Kolář V.,
Marešová J., Šašić M., Šlancarová J., Sucháček P.,
Konvička M. (2017) Isolated Asian steppe element in the Balkans: habitats of Proterebia afra (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) and associated butterfly communities. Journal of Insect Conservation
: 559-571. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-017-9995-x |
Klečková I.,
Konvička M.,
Beneš J., Šlancarová J. (2016) Rozdílné cykly početností okáče rudopásného (Erebia euryale) v horách České republiky. Živa
: 38-39. |
Šlancarová J.,
Bartoňová A.,
Zapletal M., Kotilínek M.,
Faltýnek Fric Z., Micevski N., Kati V.,
Konvička M. (2016) Life history traits reflect changes in mediterranean butterfly communities due to forest encroachment. PLoS ONE
: e0152026. |
Bartoňová A., Fric Z., Sucháček P., Kolář V., Marešová J., Šlancarová J., Zapletal M., Šašić M., Konvička M. (2015) Proterebia afra – Relic of the glacial steppe in the Balkans? In: Programme from XIXth European Congress of Lepidopterology, September 24-October 2, 2015, Senckenberg, Museum of Zoology Dresden, p. 83 – oral presentations. |
Šlancarová J., Garcia-Pereira P.,
Fric Z., Romo H., Garcia-Barros E. (2015) Butterflies in Portuguese ´montados´: relationships between climate, land use and life-history traits. Journal of Insect Conservation
: 823-836. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-015-9801-6 |
Šlancarová J.,
Vrba P.,
Plátek M.,
Zapletal M.,
Spitzer L.,
Konvička M. (2015) Co-occurrence of three Aristolochia-feeding Papilionids (Archon apollinus, Zerynthia polyxena and Zerynthia cerisy) in Greek Thrace. Journal of Natural History
: 1825-1848. DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1006281 |
Šlancarová J.,
Beneš J., Kristynek M.,
Kepka P.,
Konvička M. (2014) Does the surrounding landscape heterogeneity affect the butterflies of insular grassland reserves? A contrast between composition and configuration. Journal of Insect Conservation
: 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-013-9607-3 |
Šlancarová J.,
Bartoňová A.,
Zapletal M., Kotilínek M., Micevski N., Kati V., Beshkov S.,
Konvička M. (2013) Land Use Abandonment in Eastern Mediterranean – effects on butterfly communities. In: IALE European Congress 2013: Changing Mediterranean Landscapes. Book of abstracts. Manchester, United Kingdom.
poster. |
Šlancarová J., Bednářová B.,
Beneš J.,
Konvička M. (2012) How life history affects threat status: Requirements of two Onobrychis-feeding lycaenid butterflies, Polyommatus damon and Polyommatus thersites, in the Czech Republic Biologia
: 1175-1185. DOI: 10.2478/s11756-012-0109-7 |
Šlancarová J., Konvička M., Beneš J., Kristynek M., Kepka P. (2011) Motýli ve stepních rezervacích “heterogenní” krajiny jižní Moravy Bryja, J., Řehák, Z., Zukal, J. (Eds.): Zoologické dny Brno 2011. Sborník abstraktů z konference 17.-18. února 2011 |
Šlancarová J., Konvička M., Vrba P., Plátek M., Zapletal M., Spitzer L. (2011) Řecká krása and koexistence tří druhů „pestrokřídleců“ (Archon apollinus, Zerynthia polyxena a Zerynthia cerisy) vázaných na podražce (Aristolochia spp.) In: Program a zborník abstraktov from VI Lepidopterologické kolokvium, 30. 9. 2011, PF UPJŠ, ÚBEV, Košice, Slovensko, p. 19. |
Šlancarová J., Nečasová B., Hůla V.,
Konvička M. (2009) Jak bionomie ovlivňuje ohrožení: srovnávací bionomie a krajinná ekologiedvou „vičencových“ modrásků, Polyommatus thersites [s. str.]a Polyommatus [Agrodiaetus] damon, na JV Moravě In Kulfan J., Dvořáčková K., IV. Lepidopterologické kolokvium, Zvolen, 29.1.2009, Program a zborník abstraktov.
18. |
Šlancarová J., Nečasová B., Hůla V.,
Konvička M. (2009) Life history traits and threat status: a comparative study of two Onobrychis-feeding lycaenid butterflies in SE Czech Republic. 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology, 1-5 September 2009, Prague.Book of Abstracts.
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