Mgr. Zdeněk Faltýnek Fric, Ph.D.


Job Position: Head of Laboratory - Laboratory of Biogeography and Diversification

Contact details

Phone: 420387775341
Room: 303

Teaching Capture-Mark-Recapture methods
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Sciences

Total found: 182 records
John V., Tájek P., Mariňáková Kopečková M., Jiskra P., Zimmermannn K., Hula V., Faltýnek Fric Z., Konvička M. (2025) Two decades of monitoring and active conservation of the Marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) in the Czech Republic. Journal of Insect Conservation 29 : article number: 16.
DOI: 10.1007/s10841-025-00653-z
Irungbam J.S., Faltýnek Fric Z. (2024) Discovery of the genus Maikona Matsumura, 1928 (Noctuidae: Agaristinae) from India with the description of a new species. Zootaxa 5481 : 582-590.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5481.5.7
Khudhur F.A., Faltýnek Fric Z., Hula V., Jaber F.N. (2024) Additional records of lycaenid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) to the butterfly fauna of Iraq. Zootaxa 5485 : 293-296.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5458.2.8
Maletzki M., Das G., Hájková K., Kovářová P., Perlík M., Sbaraglia C., Spitzer L., Sucháčková Bartoňová A., Vrba P., Faltýnek Fric Z., Konvička M. (2024) Wetland butterfly thriving in abandoned jungle: Neptis rivularis in the Czech Republic. The Science of Nature 111 : article number: 34.
DOI: 10.1007/s00114-024-01921-9
Pilařová A., Zachardová S., Faltýnek Fric Z., Vrabec V. (2024) An attempt of interspecies mating between Phengaris nausithous and P. teleius (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 47 : 105-111.
DOI: 10.3897/nl.47.118947
Rindoš M., Yakovlev R.V., McLachlan Hamilton K., Faltýnek Fric Z., Knyazev S.A., Zahiri R. (2024) Phylogeography and bioclimatic models revealed a complicated genetic structure and future range shifts of Lymantria monacha L. Zoologica Scripta 53 : 650-664.
DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12679
Sáfián S., Collins S., Takano H., Faltýnek Fric Z., Tóth B., Katona G., Piszter G., Bálint Z. (2024) Descriptions of four new species of Capys from East and West Africa with notes on adult morphology and biogeography (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae). Annales Musei Historico - Naturalis Hungarici 116 : 131-165.
DOI: 10.53019/AnnlsMusHistNatHung.2024.116.131
Sucháčková Bartoňová A., Škopek P., Konvička M., Beneš J., Spitzer L., Sbaraglia C., Vrabec V., Papp Marešová J., Konvičková H., Faltýnek Fric Z. (2024) Czech Republic butterfly barcoding reveals that distribution of genetic lineages depends on species traits. Journal of Biogeography 51 : 1575-1586.
DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14848
Vrba P., Beneš J., Čížek L., Filippov P., Faltýnek Fric Z., Hauck D., Konvička M., Spitzer L. (2024) Bark beetle outbreak and biodiversity in commercial spruce plantations: Responses of four model groups. Forest Ecology and Management 555 : article number: 121700.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121700
Das G., Faltýnek Fric Z., Panthee S., Irungbam J. S., Konvička M. (2023) Geography of Indian Butterflies: Patterns Revealed by Checklists of Federal States. Insects 14 : article number: 549.
DOI: 10.3390/insects14060549
Faltýnek Fric Z., Vrba P., Walter J. (2023) Large Heath (Coenonympha tullia (Müller, 1764)) in Šumava National Park, Czech Republic. Silva Gabreta 29 : 49-56.
Hájková K., Grill S., Sucháčková Bartoňová A., Faltýnek Fric Z., Hauck D., Sbaraglia C., Shovkun D., Vodičková V., Vrba P., Konvička M. (2023) N equals two (times five. Exploring the effects of horse rewilding on five congeneric adult butterflies. Journal for Nature Conservation 74 : article number: 126445.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2023.126445
Ignatev N., László G.M., Paśnik A., Faltýnek Fric Z., Sulak H., Müller G.C. (2023) Five new species of the genus Meganaclia Aurivillius, 1892 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Syntomini. Zootaxa 5296 : 457-474.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5296.3.8
Irungbam M. J., Irungbam J. S., Rindoš M., Papp Marešová J., Faltýnek Fric Z. (2023) Phylogeography of the small grass yellow Eurema brigitta (Stoll, 1780) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) unveils the existence of distinct taxa within the Palaeotropics. Austral Entomology 62 : 410-417.
DOI: 10.1111/aen.12665
Kawahara A.Y., Storer C., Carvalho A.P.S., Plotkin D.M., Condamine F.L., Braga M.P., Ellis E.A., St Laurent R.A., Li X., Barve V., Cai L., Earl C., Frandsen P.B., Owens H.L., Valencia-Montoya W.A., Aduse-Poku K., Toussaint E.F.A., Dexter K.M., Doleck T., Markee A., Messcher R., Nguyen Y.-L., Badon J.A.T., Benítez H.A., Braby M.F., Buenavente P., Chan W.-P., Collins S., Rabideau Childers R.A., Dankowicz E., Eastwood R., Faltýnek Fric Z., Gott R.J., Hall J.P.W., Hallwachs W., et al., Leong J., Lukhtanov V., Maier C.A., et al., Vlašánek P., Wang H., Warren A., Willmott K., Yago M., et al., Guralnick R.P., Pierce N., Lohman D. (2023) A global phylogeny of butterflies reveals their evolutionary history, ancestral hosts and biogeographic origins. Nature Ecology & Evolution Early View : DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02041-9
Klečková I., Klečka J., Faltýnek Fric Z., Česánek M., Dutoit L., Pellissier L., Matos Maravi P. F. (2023) Climatic niche conservatism and ecological diversification in the Holarctic cold-dwelling butterfly genus Erebia. Insect Systematics and Diversity 7 : article number: 2.
DOI: 10.1093/isd/ixad002
Konvička M., Hula V., Vlašánek P., Zimmermannn K., Faltýnek Fric Z. (2023) Within‑habitat vegetation structure and adult activity patterns of the declining butterfly Euphydryas aurinia. Journal of Insect Conservation 27 : 335-346.
DOI: 10.1007/s10841-023-00459-x
Konvičková H., Spitzer L., Faltýnek Fric Z., Kepka P., Leština D., Novotný D., Zapletal M., Zimmermannn K., Papp Marešová J., Beneš J., Konvička M. (2023) Perishing rich, expanding poor: Demography and population genetic patterns in two congeneric butterflies. Molecular Ecology 32 : 575-594.
DOI: 10.1111/mec.16784
Nazari V., Lukhtanov V.A., Naderi A., Dincă V., Faltýnek Fric Z., Vila R. (2023) More hidden diversity in a cryptic species complex: a new subspecies of Leptidea sinapis (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) from Northern Iran. Comparative Cytogenetics 17 : 113-128.
DOI: 10.3897/compcytogen.17.102830
Sbaraglia C., Samraoui K.R., Massolo A., Sucháčková Bartoňová A., Konvička M., Faltýnek Fric Z. (2023) Back to the future: Climate change effects on habitat suitability of Parnassius apollo throughout the Quaternary glacial cycles. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16 : 231-242.
DOI: 10.1111/icad.12615

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Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Entomology
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