Mgr. Martin Adámek, Ph.D.
Job Position: Research Scientist - Laboratory of Woodland Ecology
Fire ecology, the effect of fire on vegetation and succession of plant communities.
Total found: 1 records
Lanta V., Adámek M., Chlumská Z.,
Pánková K., Kopecký M., Macek M. , Růžičková A., Busse A., Vébrová D., Ruka A.T., Řeháková K., Holá A.,
Čížek L., Doležal J.,
Sucháčková Bartoňová A. (2025) Plant colonisation, soil nutrient patterns and microclimate after a large forest fire in temperate Central Europe. Forest Ecology and Management
: article number: 122643. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2025.122643 |