MSc. Qian Qun Koid
Job Position: PhD student - Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Social Insects
+420 38 777 5378
Tropical Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Biology: My current focus is to investigate the arthropod-entomopathogenic fungus interaction across the gradient of anthropogenic habitat changes at lowland areas in Borneo, and examine how climate change affects this interaction.
Total found: 1 records
De Wint F., Nicholson S., Koid Q.,
Zahra S., Chestney-Claassen G., Seelan J.S.S., Xie J.,
Xing S.,
Fayle T. M.,
Haelewaters D. (2024) Introducing a global database of entomopathogenic fungi and their host associations Scientific Data
: article number: 1418. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-024-04103-4 |