doc. Mgr. Jan Šobotník, Ph.D.

Job Position: Editor-in-Chief - EJE Redaction , Research Scientist - Laboratory of Insect Symbiosis

Contact details



Termite biology, ecology, communication, phylogeny; Termite-microbe associations and food digestion; Structure and function of insect body; Exocrine glands and their function; Arthropod defences 

Total found: 7 records
Beránková T., Arora J., Arias J.R., Buček A., Tokuda G., Šobotník J., Hellemans S., Bourguignon T. (2024) Termites and subsocial roaches inherited many bacterial-borne carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) from their common ancestor. Communications Biology 7 : article number: 1449.
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-024-07146-w
Gergonne D., Roy V., Poteaux C., Hellemans S., Bourguignon T., Fougeyrollas R., Hanus R., Roisin Y., et al., Couto A.A.V.D., Šobotník J., Sillam-Dusses D. (2024) Evolutionary history of soil-feeding Neotropical termites reveals recent divergences linked to geologic-climatic influences. Insect Systematics and Diversity 8 : article number: 8.
DOI: 10.1093/isd/ixae043
Hellemans S., Rocha M.M., Wang M., Arias J.R., Aanen D.K., Bagneres A.-G., Buček A., Carrijo T.F., Chouvenc T., Cuezzo C., Constantini J.P., Constantino R., Dedeine F., Daligne J., et al., Vargo E.L., Ware J.L., Šobotník J., Scheffrahn R., Cancello E., Roisin Y., Engel M.S., Bourguignon T. (2024) Genomic data provide insights into the classification of extant termites. Nature Communications 15 : article number: 6724.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51028-y
Škerlová J., Brynda J., Šobotník J., Zákopčaník M., Novák P., Bourguignon T., Sillam-Dusses D., Řezáčová P. (2024) Crystal structure of blue laccase BP76, a unique termite suicidal defense weapon. Structure 32 : 1581-1585.
DOI: 10.1016/j.str.2024.07.015
Thakur H., Agarwal S., Buček A., Hradecký J., Sehadová H., Mathur V., Togaev U., van de Kamp T., Hamann E., Liu R.-H., Verma K.S., Li H.-F., Sillam-Dusses D., Engel M.S., Šobotník J. (2024) Defensive glands in Stylotermitidae (Blattodea, Isoptera). Arthropod Structure & Development 79 : article number: 101346.
DOI: 10.1016/j.asd.2024.101346
Arora J., Buček A., Hellemans S., Beránková T., Arias J.R., Fisher B., Clitheroe C., Brune A., Kinjo Y., Šobotník J., Bourguignon T. (2023) Evidence of cospeciation between termites and their gut bacteria on a geological time scale. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 : article number: 20230619.
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.0619
Thakur H., Agarwal S., Hradecký J., Sharma G., Li H.-F., Yang S.-E., Sehadová H., Chandel R.S., Hyliš M., Mathur V., Šobotník J., Sillam-Dusses D. (2023) The Trail-Following Communication in Stylotermes faveolus and S. halumicus (Blattodea, Isoptera, Stylotermitidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 49 : 642-651.
DOI: 10.1007/s10886-023-01447-w


Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Entomology
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice

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