RNDr. Alena Krejčí, Ph.D.
Job Position: Research Scientist - Laboratory of Developmental Genetics
The biology and physiology of the western honey bee (Apis mellifera) in relation to its parasitic and viral diseases. Testing natural antiviral compounds for their inhibitory effects on honey bee viruses. The impact of nutrition and stress factors on the honey bee health. Thermoregulation, metabolism and immune system as key parameters affecting the resilience and survival of honey bee colonies.
Total found: 21 records
Skičková Š., Kratou M., Svobodová K., Maitre A., Abuin-Denis L., Wu-Chuang A., Obregón D., Said M.B., Majláthová V., Krejčí A., Cabezas-Cruz A. (2025) Functional redundancy and niche specialization in honeybee and Varroa microbiomes. International Microbiology Early View : DOI: 10.1007/s10123-024-00582-y |
Krejčí A., Krištůfek V. (2024) Utkali jsme se s melecitózou Moderní včelař
21 (8)
: 22. |
Krejčí A., Svobodová K., Kubásek J., Krištůfek V. (2024) Může sluka pomoci včelám? Moderní včelař
21 (7)
: 24-25. |
Svobodová K., Krištůfek V., Kubásek J., Krejčí A. (2024) Alcohol extract of the gypsy mushroom (Cortinarius caperatus) inhibits the development of Deformed wing virus infection in western honey bee (Apis mellifera) Journal of Insect Physiology
: Article number 104583. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2023.104583 |
Bruce Krejčí A., Kubásek J., Svobodová K., Puta F. (2023) Proč se včelí plod neudusí? Moderní včelař (Modern Beekeeper)
: 16-17. |
Bruce Krejčí A., Votýpková K., Lukeš J., Votýpka J. (2023) Varroa destructor. (editorial material) Trends in Parasitology
: 487-488. DOI: 10.1016/j.pt.2023.03.009 |
Svobodová K., Maitre A., Obregón D., Wu-Chuang A., Thaduri S., Locke B., de Miranda J.R., Mateos-Hernández L., Bruce Krejčí A., Cabezas-Cruz A. (2023) Gut microbiota assembly of Gotland varroa-surviving honey bees excludes major viral pathogens. Microbiological Research
: article number: 127418. DOI: 10.1016/j.micres.2023.127418 |
Bruce Krejčí A., Krištůfek V. (2022) Mravenčí trápení Moderní včelař
19 (3)
: 34-35. |
Bruce Krejčí A., Svobodová K., Krištůfek V. (2022) Testování kvality vosku stanovením jeho teploty tuhnutí Moderní včelař
19 (2)
: 16-18. |
Kubásek J., Svobodová K., Půta F., Bruce Krejčí A. (2022) Honeybees control the gas permeability of brood and honey cappings. iScience
: article number: 105445. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105445 |
Krištůfek V., Bruce Krejčí A., Svobodová K., Chalupský J. (2021) Snižují houby virózy a úmrtnost včel? Moderní včelař
18 (6)
: 8- 9. |
Perez Gomez R.,
Magnin V.,
Mihajlović Z.,
Slaninová V., Krejčí A. (2020) Downregulation of respiratory complex I mediates major signalling changes triggered by TOR activation. Scientific Reports
: article number: 4401. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-61244-3 |
Urajová P., Krištůfek V., Bruce Krejčí A. (2020) Kyselina para-kumarová a výživa včel. Moderní včelař
XVII (7)
: 28-30. |
Mihajlović Z., Tanasic D.,
Bajgar A.,
Perez Gomez R., Steffal P., Krejčí A. (2019) Lime is a new protein linking immunity and metabolism in Drosophila. Developmental Biology
: 83-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2019.05.005 |
Awad M. A. E. E., Piálek L., Krejčí A., Laugier G.,
Nedvěd O. (2017) Paternity following multiple mating in ladybird Harmonia axyridis. BioControl
: 297-307. DOI: 10.1007/s10526-017-9806-z |
Krejčí A., Tennessen J. M. (2017) Metabolism in time and space – exploring the frontier of developmental biology. Development
: 3193-3198. DOI: 10.1242/dev.150573 |
Horváth M.,
Mihajlović Z.,
Slaninová V.,
Perez Gomez R., Moshkin Y., Krejčí A. (2016) The silent information regulator 1 (Sirt1) is a positive regulator of the Notch pathway in Drosophila. Biochemical Journal
: 4129-4143. DOI: 10.1042/BCJ20160563 |
Slaninová V., Krafčíková M.,
Perez Gomez R., Steffal P., Trantírek L., Bray S., Krejčí A. (2016) Notch stimulates growth by direct regulation of genes involved in the control of glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Open Biology
: article number 150155. DOI: 10.1098/rsob.150155 |
Djiane A., Krejčí A., Bernard F.,
Fexová S., Millen K., Bray S. (2013) Dissecting the mechanisms of Notch induced hyperplasia. The EMBO Journal
: 60-71. DOI: 10.1038/emboj.2012.326 |
Bruce A. W., Ooi L., Krejčí A., Deuchars J., Wood I., Doležal V., Buckley N. (2006) The transcriptional repressor REST is a critical regulator of the neurosecretory phenotype. J. Neurochem.
: 1828-1840. |