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Total found: 264 records
Zemek R., Prenerová E., Volter L., Weyda F., Skuhravý V. (2007) Perspectives on the biological control of Cameraria ohridella. 59th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, May 22, 2007. Abstracts. 163.
Zemek R., Prenerová E., Volter L., Weyda F., Skuhravý V. (2007) Perspectives for the biological control of Cameraria ohridella Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences 72: 521-527.
Zemek R., Vávrová Z. (2007) Assessing the effects of Bt-maize pollen on Typhlodromus pyri (Acari: Phytoseiidae). 3rd EIGMO Meeting, Warsaw, 23-25 May 2007. Programm and abstracts. 70.
Zemek R., Vávrová Z. (2007) Assessing the effects of Bt-maize pollen on Typhlodromus pyri (Acari: Phytoseiidae) IOBC/WPRS Bulletin In press.
Reindl F., Zemek R., Samek T. (2006) Dispersal behavior of Aceria carvi Nal. XVII Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Prague, 12-14 September 2006. Book of Abstracts. 328.
Reindl F., Zemek R., Samek T. (2006) Dispersal behavior of Aceria carvi Nal. Proceedings of the XVII Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Prague, 12-14 September 2006. 514-518.
Škaloudová B., Křivan V., Zemek R. (2006) Computer-assisted estimation of leaf damage caused by spider mites. Comp. Electr. Agric. 53: 81-91.
Škaloudová B., Zemek R., Krivan V. (2006) Density- and trait-mediated indirect interactions in a tri-trophic acarine system. 12th Internartional Congress of Acarology, 21-26 August 2006, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Abstract Book. 192-193.
Zemek R. (2006) The effects of insect resistant transgenic plants on mites. Environmental Risk Assessment of GM Plants: Discussion for Consensus. Abstracts of IOBC workshop, Rotondella, Italy, 5-9 June 2006. 21-22.
Zemek R. (2006) Fenologie hálčivce kmínového - možnosti jeho regulace. Agromanuál 2006: 36.
Zemek R. (2006) Measuring locomotor activity in microarthropods by means of a real-time image analysis system. Digitální zobrazování v biologii a medicíně 2005. Sborník přednášek a abstraktů 86-90.
Zemek R., Bouman , Dusbábek F. (2006) Searching for mates in sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus: are female cues involved? 12th Internartional Congress of Acarology, 21-26 August 2006, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Abstract Book. 224.
Zemek R., Kameníková L., Zemková Rovenská G. (2006) The effect of Aceria carvi Nal. (Acari: Eriophyidae) on seed production of caraway. XVII Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Prague, 12-14 September 2006. Book of Abstracts. 134.
Zemek R., Kameníková L., Zemková Rovenská G. (2006) The effect of Aceria carvi Nal. (Acari: Eriophyidae) on seed production of caraway. Proceedings of the XVII Czech and Slovak Plant Protection Conference, Prague, 12-14 September 2006. 550-553.
Zemek R., Peskova E. (2006) Foraging in a patchy environment: the effect of competition. 3rd European Conference on Behavioural Biology, 4th-6th Sept. 2006, The Queens University Belfast 86.
Zemek R., Socha R. (2006) Habitat selection in the bug Pyrrhocoris apterus: does it minimize the risk of being parasitized by ectoparasitic mite Hemipteroseius adleri? 12th International Congress of Acarology, 21-26 August 2006, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Abstract Book. 224.
Zemková Rovenská G., Zemek R. (2006) Host plant preference of aphids, thrips and spider mites on GNA-expressing and control potatoes. Phytoparasitica 34: 133-148.
Kalinová B., Zemek R., Bouman , Zahradníková H., Šimek P., Dusbábek F. (2005) Sexual pheromones in Ixodes ricinus. Abstracts of 9th European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction, September 24-30, 2005, Sardinia, Italy.
Kameníková L., Zemková Rovenská G., Zemek R. (2005) Škodlivost hálčivce kmínového Agro 5: 60-61.
Kodrík D., Socha R., Syrová Z., Zemek R. (2005) The effect of constant darkness on the content of adipokinetic hormone, adipokinetic response and walking activity in macropterous females of Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.). Physiol. Entomol. 30: 248-255.
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