
Total found: 71 records
Habuštová O., Turanli F., Hussein H., Doležal P. (2005) Changes in entomofauna in Bt maize field during a period of three years. IOBC/WPRS working group on GMOs in Integrated Plant management. Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms; June 1-3.2005; Lleida, Catalonia, Spain. p.79..
Habuštová O., Turanli F., Spitzer L., Růžička V., Doležal P., Sehnal F. (2005) Communities of beetles and spiders in the stands of normal and genetically modified maize. Pestycydy; Poland, University of Wroclaw 125-131.
Doležal P., Bextine B., Doležalová R., Miller T. (2004) Novel methods of monitoring the feeding behavior in the glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca coagulata) Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 97: 1055 - 1062.
Zelený J., Doležal P. (2004) Kůrovcovití brouci (Scolytidae, Coleoptera) na smrku na Šumavě - Bark beetles (Scolytidae, Coleoptera) on spruce in the Bohemian Forest. In: Dvořák L., Šustr P (Eds): Aktuality šumavského výzkumu II. Sborník z konference, October 4-7, 2004, Srní, Czech Republic: 221-223.
Doležal P., Sehnal F. (2003) Diapause in the spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus (L.)) In Mc Manus M.L., Liebhold A.M., eds. 2003 Proceedings: Ecology, Survey and Management of Forest Insects; 2002 Sept 1 - 5, Krakow, Poland. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE - 311, Newton Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Res. Stat 178 p..
Doležal P., Sehnal F. (2002) Imaginal diapause in the bark beetle Ips typographus. IUFRO Meeting "Ecology, Survey and Management of Forest Insects", Kraków (Poland), September 2-5, 2002.
Doležal P., Sehnal F. (2002) Imaginal diapause in the bark beetle Ips typographus. 2nd International Czech-Japanese Seminar on Entomology: Insect Photoperiodism And Rhythmicity. České Budějovice (Czech Republic), August 5-8, 2002. Abstracts, p. 9.
Doležal P., Zelený J. (2001) Bark beetles (Scolytidae, Col.) and their insect bioregulators in mountain spruce stands. IUFRO WP "Methodology of forest insect and disease survey in Central Europe, September 17-20, 2001, Průhonice, Czech Republic. Poster.
Doležal P., Zelený J. (2001) Bark beetles (Scolytidae, Col.) and their insect bioregulators in mountain spruce stands J. Forest Science, 2001, 47 (2): 73-76
Doležal P. (2000) Diapauza u lýkožrouta smrkového (Ips typographus (L.)). In: V. Podhrázský, H. Ryšánková, S. Vacek, I. Ulrichová (eds.) Monitoring, výzkum a management ekosystémů Národního parku Šumava, November 27-28, 2000, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Czech Republic. Abstract pp. 64-68.
Zelený J., Doležal P. (2000) Někteří kůrovci (Scolytidae, Coeloptera) a jejich bioregulátoři na smrku na Šumavě. In: V. Podhrázský, H. Ryšánková, S. Vacek, I. Ulrichová (eds.) Monitoring, výzkum a management ekosystémů Národního parku Šumava, November 27-28, 2000, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Czech Republic. Abstract pp. 61-63.


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