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Total found: 7773 records
Skuhravý V., Skuhravá M. (1962) Bionomie und Verbreitung der Mohnkapselgallmücke Clinodiplosis papaveris (Kjell) (Diptera, Itonididae). Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.) 59: 221-233.
Sláma K. (1962) The juvenile hormone like effect of fatty acids, fatty alcohols and some other compounds in insect metamorphosis. Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.) 59: 323-340.
Starý P. (1962) Afidofauna medonosnych rastenij kak istočnik vspomogatelnych chozjajev najezdnikov afidiid. Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.) 59: 42-58.
Starý P. (1962) New aphid parasites of the genus Aphidius nees from Europe. Bull. ent. Pologne 32: 109-122.
Starý P. (1962) Faunistic notes on the Aphidiidae of Bulgaria. Acta faun. ent. Mus. Nat. Pragae 8: 83-88.
Starý P. (1962) Hymenopterous parasites of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon onobrychis (Boyer) in Czechoslovakia. Zool. listy 11: 285-278.
Starý P. (1962) Notes on the European species of the genus Ephedrus Haliday. Opusc. entomologica 27: 87-98.
Starý P. (1962) Bionomics and ecology od Ephedrus pulchellus Stelfox, an important parasite of leaf-curling aphids in Czechoslovakia, with notes on the diapause. Entomophaga 7: 91-100.
Starý P., Narayanan E., Subba Rao B., Sharma A. (1962) Revision of "A Catalogue of the known species of the world belonging to the subfamily Aphidiinae". Beitr. Ent. 12: 662-720.
Weiser J. (1962) Über die Benützung der Nematoden zur biologischen Schädlingsbekämpfung. XI. Int. Entomologenkongress, Wien, II, 800-2.
Weiser J. (1962) Erforschung der Krankheiten der Insekten in der Tschechoslovakei und Möglichkeiten weiterer internationaler Zussammenarbeit. Zeszyty problemowe postepow nauk rolniczych 35: 79-83.
Weiser J. (1962) Protozoäre Krankheiten des Schwammspinners. Agronomski glasnik, 538-539.
Weiser J. (1962) Eradikace malarie na Východním Slovensku. Niektore přír. ohniskové nákazy na V. Slovensku, Prešov, 119-130.
Weiser J. (1962) Biological Insect Control. Advances in Biological sciences, Praha, 123-133.
Weiser J. (1962) Potentialities of Protozoa in Biological Control of Vectors. WHO Sci. Group on Utilis. Biotic Factors in Vector Control, Geneva.
Weiser J., Hrdý I. (1962) Pyemotes-mites as parasites of termites. Z. angew. Ent. 51: 94-97.
Weiser J., Vaňková J. (1962) Zur Spezifität des Bac. thuringiensis-Toxins. XI. Int. Entomologenkongress, Wien, II : 840-841.
Zelený J. (1962) A contribution to the knowledge of the order Neuroptera in Czechoslovakia. Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.) 59: 59-67.
Zelený J. (1962) Stenomicromus lanosus n. sp., a new species of Neuroptera from Czechoslovakia (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae). Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.) 59: 246-249.
Hodek I. (1961) The influence of various aphid species as food for two lady-birds Coccinella 7-punctata L. and Adalia bipunctata L. In: The Ontogeny of Insects, (Proc. Symp. Praha 1959), Academia, Prague, pp. 314-316.
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