Total found: 7773 records |
Starý P. (1963) A study on the relationship of the Myzinae and their aphidiid parasites in (Central) Europe. Boll. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici
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Starý P. (1963) A study on the relationship of the Lachnidae, Chaitophoridae, Thelaxidae, Eriosomatidae and their aphidiid parasites in (Central) Europe. Beiträge Ent.,
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Weiser J. (1963) Sporozoan infections. In: "Insect Pathology, an advanced treatise", II, 291-334, Academic Press, N. York. |
Weiser J. (1963) Diseases of Insects of Medical Importance in Europe. Bull. WHO
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Weiser J. (1963) Zur Kenntnis der Mikrosporidien aus Chironomiden-Larven, III. Zoolog. Anzeiger
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Weiser J. (1963) Advances in biological central in relation to vectors of human diseases. Vector control. Suppl. 29, to Bull. World Health Organízation, 107-114. |
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Hodek I. (1962) Essential and alternative food in insects. Verh. XI. Intern. Kongr. Entom. (Wien 1960),
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Landa V. (1962) Die Entwicklung der Mitteleuropäischen Ephemeropteren. Proc. XI. Int. Congr. Entomol., 250-254. |
Masner L. (1962) On the Trimorus species of the Ninus (Nixon) group (Hym., Scel.). Acta Zool. Hungar.
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Novák K. (1962) Die Verbreitung der Rhyacophila-Arten in Böhmen. Čas. Čs. Spol. ent. (Acta Soc. ent. Čechoslov.)
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