Total found: 7749 records |
Hodek I. (1965) Several types of induction and completion of adult diapause. Proc. XIIth Int. Congr. Ent. (London 1964): 431-432. |
Hodek I., Čerkasov J. (1965) Biochemical changes in Semiadalia 11-notata (Schneider) adults during diapause. Nature
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Hrdý I., Hůrková J. (1965) Vorläufige Mitteilung zum Problem der DDT-Resistenz bei Populationen von Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say aus der Tschechoslowakei. Entomologische Tagung, Dresden 1965, pp. 269-272. |
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Landa V., Řežábová B. (1965) The effect of chemosterilants on the development of reproductive organs in insects. Proc. XII. Int. Congr. Ent. London, 1964, 516-517. |
Lysenko O. (1965) Some aspects of the mechanisms of pathogenicity in bacteria pathogenic to insects. Proc. XII. Int. Congres of Entomology, London, p. 717. |
Masner L. (1965) The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in British Museum (Nat. History and the Oxford University Museum). Bull. Brit. Museum 16, Supplement. |
Masner L., Kozlov M. (1965) Four egg parasites in Europe (Hym., Scelionidae, Telenomiae). Čas. Čs. spol. ent. (Acta ent. bohemoslov.) 62. |
Masner P. (1965) The structure and function of gonads of alfalfa plant bug Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze) (Heteroptera, Miridae) affected by food. Proc. XIIth int. Congr. Ent. London, 1964, 175. |
Masner P. (1965) The structure, function and the imaginal development of the male inner reproductive organs of Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze) (Heteroptera, Miridae). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
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