Total found: 7749 records |
Novák K. (1969) Metody sběru a preparace hmyzu [Methods of collecting and mounting of insects]. 1st and 2nd edition, Academia, Praha, 244 pp. |
Novák V. (1969) Morphogenetic analysis of the effects of juvenile hormone analogues and other morphogenetícally active substances on embryos of Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal.). J. Embryol. exp. Morph.
21: 1-21.
Novák V. (1969) Hormonal control of the molting process in arthropods. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., Suppl.
2: 439-450.
Novák V. (1969) Historický vývoj organismů - Fylogenese mikroorganismů, rostlin a živočichů [Historical development of organisms - Phylogenesis of microorganisms, plants and animals]. Academia, Praha, 834 p. |
Pintera A. (1969) Über die Verbreitung der europäischen Vertreter der Gattung Chaitophorus Koch (Aphidoidea: Aphidae). Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus, Görlitz,
44: 207-209.
Pintera A. (1969) Evaluation of some recent classification systems in aphidology. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
66: 122-124.
Ratuský J.,
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5: 111-117.
Rusek J. (1969) Hmyzenky - Protura. Vidličnatky -- Diplura. Chvostoskoci - Collembola. Šupinatky - Thysanura. ln: K. Novák et al.: Metody sběru a preparace hmyzu (Methods of collecting and mounting of insects). Pp. 104-113, Academia, Praha. |
Samšiňáková A., Hrabětová E. (1969) Respiration of blastopores of the fungus Beauveria bassiana during submersed cultivation in the presence of certain sugars. J. Invertebr. Pathol.
13: 382-385.
Schneiderman H., Krishnakumaran A., Bryant P., Sehnal F. (1969) Endocrinological and genetic strategies in insect control. Proc. Symp. Potent. in Crop Prod., Agric. Sci. Rev., Second and Third Quarter, pp. 13-25. |
Šebesta K., Horská K., Vaňková J. (1969) Isolation and properties of the ínsecticidal exotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis var. gelechiae. ColI. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun.
34: 891-900.
Šebesta K., Horská K., Vaňková J. (1969) Inhibition of the novo RNA synthesis by the insecticidal exotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis var. gelechiae. Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun.
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Sehnal F. (1969) Action of the juvenile hormone on the metamorphosis of Galleria mellonella epidermal cells. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.
13: 530.
Sehnal F., Edwards J. (1969) Body constraint and developmental arrest in Galleria mellonella L.: further studies. Biol. Bull.
137: 352-357.
Sehnal F., Novák V. (1969) Morphogenesis of the pupal integument in the waxmoth (Galleria mellonella) and its analysis by means of juvenile hormone. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
68: 137-145.
Skuhravý V. (1969) Distribution of eggs and larvae of the gallmidge Dasyneura ignorata Wachtl (Diptera, Itonididae) on the stalks of alfalfa Medicago sativa L. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
66: 93-96.
Skuhravý V. (1969) Zemní pasti (Barber traps). In: K. Novák et al.: Metody sběru a preparace hmyzu (Methods of collecting and mounting of insects). Pp. 36-40, Academia, Praha. |
Skuhravý V., Hochmut R. (1969) Befallsdichte der Kiefernnadelgallmücke Thecodiplosís brachyntera Schwägr. an Pinus silvestris L. verschiedener Provenienz. Anz. Schädlingsk.
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Skuhravý V., Novák K. (1969) Kvantitativní metody sběru v entomologii [Quantitative methods of insect collecting]. In: K. Novák et al.: Metody sběru a preparace hmyzu (Methods of collecting and mounting of insects). Pp. 49-55, Academia, Praha. |
Sláma K. (1969) Plants as a source of materials with insect hormone activity. Ent. exp. appl.
12: 721-728.