Total found: 40 records |
Hadrava J.,
Klečka J., Moran K.,
Klečková I., Kelso S., Etzbauer C., Skevington J.H., Mengual X. (2025) The evolution of wasp mimicry and biogeography in the genus Temnostoma (Diptera: Syrphidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
205: article number: 108298.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2025.108298 |
Jackwerth K., Biella P.,
Klečka J. (2024) Pollen thermotolerance of a widespread plant, Lotus corniculatus, in response to climate warming: possible local adaptation of populations from different elevations. PeerJ
12: article number: e17148.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17148 |
Klečková I.,
Klečka J.,
Faltýnek Fric Z., Česánek M., Dutoit L., Pellissier L.,
Matos Maravi P. F. (2023) Climatic niche conservatism and ecological diversification in the Holarctic cold-dwelling butterfly genus Erebia. Insect Systematics and Diversity
7: article number: 2.
DOI: 10.1093/isd/ixad002 |
Klečková I., Okrouhlík J., Svozil T.,
Matos Maravi P. F.,
Klečka J. (2023) Body size, not species identity, drives body heating in alpine Erebia butterflies. Journal of Thermal Biology
113: article number: 103502.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2023.103502 |
Palamara G., Rozenfeld A., De Santana C.,
Klečka J., Riera R., Eguı́luz V.M., Melián C. (2023) Biodiversity dynamics in landscapes with fluctuating connectivity. Ecography
2023: e06385.
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.06385 |
Akter A.,
Klečka J. (2022) Water stress and nitrogen supply affect floral traits and pollination of the white mustard, Sinapis alba (Brassicaceae). PeerJ
10: e13009.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13009 |
Bodawatta K.H.,
Klečková I.,
Klečka J.,
Pužejová K., Koane B., Poulsen M., Jønsson K.A. ,
Sam K. (2022) Specific gut bacterial responses to natural diets of tropical birds. Scientific Reports
12: article number: 713.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-04808-9 |
Hadrava J., Talašová A., Straka J., Benda D., Kazda J.,
Klečka J. (2022) A comparison of wild bee communities in sown flower strips and semi-natural habitats: A pollination network approach. Insect Conservation and Diversity
15: 312-324.
DOI: 10.1111/icad.12565 |
Klečka J., Mikát M.,
Koloušková P.,
Hadrava J., Straka J. (2022) Individual-level specialisation and interspecific resource partitioning in bees revealed by pollen DNA metabarcoding PeerJ
10: e13671.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13671 |
Konvička M., Kuras T.,
Lipárová J., Slezák V.,
Horázná D.,
Klečka J.,
Klečková I. (2021) Low winter precipitation, but not warm autumns and springs, threatens mountain butterflies in middle-high mountains. PeerJ
9: article number: e12021.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.12021 |
Akter A., Biella P., Batáry P.,
Klečka J. (2020) Changing pollinator communities along a disturbance gradient in the Sundarbans mangrove forest: A case study on Acanthus ilicifolius and Avicennia officinalis. Global Ecology and Conservation
24: article number: e01282.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01282 |
Biella P.,
Akter A., Ollerton J., Nielsen A.,
Klečka J. (2020) An empirical attack tolerance test alters the structure and species richness of plant-pollinator networks. Functional Ecology
34: 2246-2258.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13642 |
Biella P.,
Akter A., Ollerton J., Tarrant S., Janeček Š., Jersáková J.,
Klečka J. (2019) Experimental loss of generalist plants reveals alterations in plant-pollinator interactions and a constrained flexibility of foraging Scientific Reports
9: article number: 7376.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-43553-4 |
Biella P., Tommasi N.,
Akter A., Guzzetti L.,
Klečka J., Sandionigi A., Labra M., Galimberti A. (2019) Foraging strategies are maintained despite workforce reduction: A multidisciplinary survey on the pollen collected by a social pollinator. PLoS ONE
14: e0224037.
DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0224037 |
Dudová P.,
Boukal D.,
Klečka J. (2019) Prey selectivity and the effect of diet on growth and development of a dragonfly, Sympetrum sanguineum. PeerJ
7: e7881.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.7881 |
Klečka J.,
Hadrava J.,
Biella P.,
Akter A. (2018) Flower visitation by hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in a temperate plant-pollinator network. PeerJ
6: e6025.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6025 |
Klečka J.,
Hadrava J.,
Koloušková P. (2018) Vertical stratification of plant–pollinator interactions in a temperate grassland. PeerJ
6: e4998.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4998 |
Akter A.,
Biella P.,
Klečka J. (2017) Effects of small-scale clustering of flowers on pollinator foraging behaviour and flower visitation rate. PLOS ONE
12: e0187976.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187976 |
Tropek R.,
Čížek O.,
Kadlec T.,
Klečka J. (2017) Habitat use of Hipparchia semele (Lepidoptera) in its artificial stronghold: Necessity of the resource-based habitat view in restoration of disturbed sites. Polish Journal of Ecology
65: 385-399.
DOI: 10.3161/15052249PJE2017.65.3.006 |
Klečková I.,
Klečka J. (2016) Facing the heat: thermoregulation and behaviour of lowland species of a cold-dwelling butterfly genus Erebia. PLOS ONE
11: e0150393.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150393 |